Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in
biological-physics at IOP Bhubaneswar
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position at IOP Bhubanswar. The work is a part of SERB funded project on "Entropic and active forces on confined
polymers: Organization and dynamics of bacterial chromosomes".
must have obtained a PhD degree within the last three years, have proven record
of expertize in numerical simulations and analytical techniques of statistical
mechanics and/or soft condensed matter physics. Experience in molecular
dynamics simulations and/or active systems will be desirable.
The selected candidate will work at IOP Bhubaneswar in the group
of Dr. Debasish Chaudhuri. The work may involve collaboration with experimental
groups in India and abroad.
Goal : In this
project we will explore a physical model of bacterial chromosome using
numerical simulations, and analytical calculations to understand emergent
morphology of chromosome, dynamics and segregation, in presence of molecular
crowding and confinement. Local loop formation on DNA due to associated
proteins will be examined using Langevin and active
Duration: Initial
appointment of the candidate will be for one year, extendable to another year
depending on the performance of the candidate and subject to availability of
No. of Positions: 1
Fellowship: The starting emolument
for a candidate with fresh Ph.D. degree will be INR 36,000/ month. Candidates
with prior postdoctoral experience may be offered an increased salary as per
institute norms. A candidate who has submitted Ph.D. thesis, awaiting award of
the degree, will be offered INR 32,000/ month, until the degree is awarded.
Application procedure: Candidates are requested to send a
(i) CV (mentioning the date of Ph.D. degree awarded),
(ii) a list of publications, (iii) a list of referees, and arrange for sending
two reference letters "mentioning the name of the candidate in subject line" directly
Last Date of receipt of applications :
10th November, 2017.
Contact Person:
Dr. Debasish Chaudhuri
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India
group website: