Jnanadeva Maharana
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 09:53:01 -0400
From: das@pas.rochester.edu
To: J.Maharana
Subject: Re: Sumitra
Dear Jnanababu,
Sudhakar informed me about Sumitra and I am very sorry to hear the news. I
know you were quite close to her and what can I say? The proper way way to
think right now is not to think that she is not there with you any more,
rather to have a sense of gratitude that she could spend so many years
together with you in a loving and caring manner.
I do not know whether you remember that last time when I had gone to your
house for dinner (you had invited faculty from NISER etc), I left with
them without saying goodbye to Sumitra. So, the next day I asked you if we
can go to your house just for 5 minutes to say good bye to her. You
jokingly said, "You can say it when you come back the next year".
Nonetheless, you did take me home for a short while and even Sumitra joked
saying, "You did not have to come back just to say good bye". But, I had
to because somehow I had this feeling that I may owe her a good bye if I
did not do it then. I do not know if all of this is just a coincidence,
but I will certainly miss her. I have many fond memories of spending time
with her.
I am sorry that I am not there to talk to you directly. But, please be
strong and I hope you look at life with a feeling of gratitude, without an
iota of resentment for what has happened.
With best regards,

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Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 18:02:14 -0400
From: Ashok Das
To: J.Maharana
Subject: Re:
Dear Jnanababu,
Thank you for sending me the photo of Sumitra. That is the way I always think of her
- an embodiment of affection, spreading joy through the simplicity of an innocent
smile. That is how she will always be in our hearts. In fact, she will remain
forever in the hearts of everyone who came in her contact even occasionally. I feel
grateful that I was lucky enough to have known her relatively closely.
You must be very busy with all the necessary rites. I do not want to bother you too
much - just want to make sure that you are OK and maintaining your calm in the face
of everything. Whenever you need me, I am only an e-mail away.
With best regards,
Ashok Das
P.O. Box 270171
Department of Physics
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0171
Tel. (585)-275-2955
Fax (585)-276-0018
Homepage: www.pas.rochester.edu/~das/homepage.html

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Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 08:02:04 -0400
From: das@pas.rochester.edu
To: J.Maharana
Subject: Re:
Dear Jnanababu,
I am very fortunate to have both of you as close friends. Sumitra had
touched my life as well in her own way, always balanced, objective and
affectionate in her own simple way. In this world, everything happens and
we cannot (and should not think that we can) do anything for anyone except
for offering our sincere friendship and our presence when needed. I do
know that Sumitra had matured quite a lot spiritually in the past couple
of years, not out of desperation or fear of death. Rather, it was a
natural growth and I enjoyed talking to her on these topics. My
interactions were very infrequent, nonetheless they were always refreshing
and memorable. I do not think about the fact that she is not there any
more. Rather, I will always cherish her memory for what she was when she
was there. I hope you can also find strength in that. Life will be hard
for you without her being physically around, but try to feel that she is
actually all around you and watching over both Mamun and you. When you
need me, remember always that I am only an e-mail away.
With best regards,