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Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 00:45:09 +0530 (IST)
From: pcdas@niser.ac.in
To: ansari@iopb.res.in
Dear Prof. Ansari,I want to know about a highly disturbing news about
passing away of Mrs Maharana from an acquaintance in USA last evening.I
wish this is not true.Please convey my sincere condolences if it is true.I
do not know how to write to him.I know that he is a person of great
fortitude and capable of thinking in cosmic scale.But, howsoever,
philosophical one is at this age to be alone, is a great loss for even a
real saint.I want to be by his side take a part of his grief myself.I wish
him enough strength of mind to get over this great tragedy.I also can fell
the loss for his beloved son.I wish them all the best PCDAS