Jnanadeva Maharana
Family Tree


toshiko@kyodonomori.com> To: Jnanadeva Maharana Czaki@sci.kitasato-u.ac.jp>
Subject: Re: GREETINGS
Dear Maharana,
Thank you very much for your prompt message and Sumitra's picture.
We saw Anshuman on Facebook and found that he is doing very well. I guess the girl
on his page is his girlfriend. She looks a bit like Sumitra, doesn't she?
Thank you again for sending us Sumitra's picture. It's so well taken that it
reminds us exactly how she used to be when we were staying at Chilton Close. I like
this expression of hers, which shows all of her great characters very well. Shigeo
has printed out the picture and she is staying beside us now. I think I am lucky
that I had a chance to become friends with her but I do wish I could see her again.
Let's keep in touch with each other.
Best regards,
Shigeo and Toshiko