Jnanadeva Maharana
Family Tree

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 17:33:43 +0000
From: Tapas Sarangi
To: J.Maharana
Cc: Tapas Sarangi
Subject: Re:
Dear Sir,
We are terribly saddened by your loss. Our sincere and deep condolences to you,
Ansuman and family.
Every time I see you or any of your family members I remember of Madam and the
support she had shown me during my first visit to Japan. She will be alive in my
memory forever.
Fahmida & Tapas
On Jul 16, 2012, at 1:02 PM, J.Maharana wrote:
Dear Tapas: Thank you very much for your kind words. Best wishes, JMaharana