Trees inside Institute of Physics Campus

Trees inside the Institute of Physics campus

Maintained by Poulomi Sadhukhan and Sudipta Mukherji
Last modified: 30 April, 2013 (recent changes)

Click on the links for images names (local, scientific) of the trees, medicinal uses etc.

Images are from IOP campus unless otherwise mentioned

Muchkunda, Pterospermum acerifolium. Grows upto 50 - 70 ft.
Has large fragrant white flowers. Fruit is a reddish wood used
for planking. An Indian postal stamp was issued to honour the
Bottlebrush Bottlebrush, Callistemon citrinus. Most commonly found
in Australia. Grows upto 20 - 30 ft. Flowers are crimson red.
For more, read this article from horticulture department,
University of Florida.
Swarna-champa Champak, Magnolia champaca. Evergreen, native to South, Southeast
Asia. Has strongly fragrant yellow or white flowers. Leaves, flowers
and seed are used for essential oils. Check out here for more.
Rudraksha Rudraksha, Elaeocarpus ganitrus. Evergreen. Seeds are traditionally
used for prayer beeds in Hinduism. Ethanol extract of the fruit exibit
sedative, hypnotic, tranquillizing, anticonvulsive, antipileptic and
antihypertensive properties.
Saptaparni Saptaparni, Alstonia scholaris. Can be about 150 ft. Native to
Indian subcontinent. The bark serves as an alternative to quinine
and also used for the treatmeant of dysentry. The milky juice is
used to treat ulcers. More can be found here.
Bokul Bokul, Mimusops elengi. Evergreen 30-60 ft tree is native to Southeast Asia.
Small flowers are cream and scented. The ripe edible fruit pounded and
mixed with water is given to promote delivery of childbirth. It is also
used in dental ailments like bleeding gum's, pyorrhea, dental caries and
loose teeth. Wood is very hard and deep red in colour.
Kadam Kadam, Neolamarckia cadamba. Evergreen, native to southeast Asia.
Grows about 150 ft. Flowers are yellow and white. Bark and leaves have
medicinal use such as astringent anti-hepatotoxic, antidiuretic, wound
healing, antiseptic, and anthelmintic. For more see here. This is the state
tree of Orissa. An Indian postal stamp was issued to honour this tree.
Palash Palash, Butea monosperma. Native to Southeast Asia. Grows to about 50 ft.
Flowers are bright orange-red. They are used to prepare a traditional Holi colour.
Flowers are also used as a dyeing color for fabric.
Siris Siris, Albizia lebbeck. Native to southeast Asia. Grows
about 100 ft. Flowers are fragrant, white with many stamens.
Fruit is a linear pod of about 1 ft with many seeds. The tree is
used in folk remedies for abdominal tumours, boils, cough, eye
ailments, flu and lung ailments. It is also reported to be
astringent, pectoral, rejuvenant and tonic. The seed oil is
used for leprosy and the powdered seed in scrofulous swellings.
Indians use the flowers for spermatorrhea. For more, we refer to
this article.
Polanga Polanga, Calophyllum inophyllum. Evergreen. Native to
costal India, East Africa, Australia. Flowers come in
paniculate inflorescences. Polanga oil is used as biodiesel.
See this article in the journal Fuel.
Asana Asana, Terminalia elliptica. Can grow upto 100 ft. Native
to Southeast Asia. Some member of the specis store water
(in stem) in dry season.
Mohula Mohula (Mahua), Madhuca longifolia. Indian tropical tree. Grows
about 60-70 ft. Flowers of this evergreen tree are edible and also
fomented to produce alcoholic drinks. Mahula oil has emollient properties
and is used in skin disease.
Arjuna Arjuna, Terminalia arjuna, this shallowly rooted tree grows upto 80 ft,
Oblong, conical leaves, pale yellow flowers and fibrous woody fruits. Flowering
occurs in summer. Arjuna is one of the species whose leaves are fed on by the
Antheraea paphia moth which produces the tassar silk.
Amlaki Amlaki (Amla), Phyllanthus emblica. Medicinal plant
Grows 70-80 ft. Fruit has a high tannin content.
Tetuli Tetuli (Tamarind), Tamarindus indica. Tropical tree, native to Africa.
Fruit pulp is edible and popular. Fuits have several medicinal use.
They are refrigerants in fever, work as laxatives and carminative.
Used also for bile disorders, as an antiscorbutic and as a liniment
for rheumatism.
Amra Amra, Spondias dulcis. Grows 100-150 ft. The fruit
can be eaten raw, the flesh is crunchy and
a little sour.
Chandan Chandan (White sandalwood), Santalum album. Relatively small tropical
tree grows upto 20 feet. The leaves are thin, opposite and ovate to lanceolate
in shape. Timbers, used for fine woodworking, have fragrance. Wood and
sandal-oil have high demand and are an important trade item in India.
Rakta Chandan Rakta Chandan (Red sandalwood), Pterocarpus santalinus. Native to
India. This deciduous tree grows upto 30-40 ft. The tree is renowned
for its characteristic timber of exquisite colour, beauty. A decoction
of the fruit is used as an astringent tonic in chronic dysentry. An
infusion of the wood is used in the control of diabetes.
Nagalingam Nagalingam, Couroupita guianensis. Evergreen.
Common in Amazon basin. Fruits and fragrant flowers
grow from stalks which sprout from the trunk of the
Krishnachura Krishnachura, Delonix regia. Grown as an ornamental tree.
Flowers are red/orange/yellow. Grows 20-30 ft.
Radhachura Radhachura, Peltophorum pterocarpum. Grows upto 80 ft. Semi-
evergreen. Native to tropical southeast Asia. Feathery leaflets.
Yellow flower clusters are followed by seed pods. Antimicrobial
activity of Radhachura has been discussed here.
Panasa Panasa (Jackfruit), Artocarpus heterophyllus. Native
to Southeast Asia. Its fruit is the largest tree borne
fruit in the world.
Breadfruit Breadfruit, Artocarpus communis. Tall, fast growing, evergreen,
40 - 60 ft height. Large, incised glossy green leaves. Barks are used
for stomach pain, diarrhea. Leaf is used for Diabetic treatment.
Semul Semul, Bombax ceiba. Tropical Tree. Height 80 - 100 ft. Large
leaves. Red flowers appear when the tree is bare of leaves. Cotton
inside the fruits are commercially used.
Sunari Sunari (Amlatas), Cassia fistula. Height upto 50 ft.
Semi-evergreen tree found in South, Southeast
Asia. Flowers are bright yelllow. Fruit is 1 - 1.5 ft
long and thin. Its pungent odour is mosquito
repellent. Contains several seeds.
Brownea Scarlet flame bean, Brownea coccinea. Native to
Guyana, Venezuela, Brazil. Red exotic looking flowers
are not visible from outside.
Neem Neem, Azadirachta indica. This evergreen tree
grows 100 - 130 ft. Has white fragrant flowers. Neem
is anthelmintic, antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial,
antiviral, sedative and also used for antifertility.
Kaju Kaju (Cashew), Anacardium occidentale. Evergreen, growing upto
30 ft. What appears to be the fruit of cashew tree is a pear shaped accessory
fruit (or false fruit). The actual fruit of the tree is a kidney shaped drupe
that grows at the end of the false fruit. Within the true fruit is a single seed,
the cashew nut.
Nageswar Nageswar, Mesua ferrea. Evergreen ornamental tree. Grows upto 40 ft. Fragrant
white flowers. National tree of Sri lanka. Wood is used for railroad ties due to
heaviness and hardness of its timber. The leaves are applied to the head in the form of
a poultice for severe colds. Oil from the seeds is used for sores, scabies wounds
and rheumatism.
Jarul Jarul, Lagerstroemia speciosa. Tropical flowering tree,
grows upto 50 ft. An Indian postal stamp was issued
to honour this flower.
Barh Barh (Banyan), Ficus bengalensis. National tree of India.
Sends down shoots from branches, eventually turning into new
trunks. An Indian postal stamp was issued to honour this tree.
Mast Mast tree, Polyalthia longifolia. Native to India and
Sri Lanka. Commonly planted next to the road due to
its effectiveness in alleviating noise pollution.
Grows 30 - 40 ft. Star-like pale green flowers. Small
fruits come in clusters.
Raktarag Raktarag (Geiger tree), Cordia sebestena. Evergreen tree, grows
to 25 ft. Native to South America. Large scarlet flowers, pear
shaped fruits with fragrance. Fruits are edible but not very tastful.
Pia-sal Piya-sal, Pterocarpus marsupium. Deciduous tree grows up to 100 ft
tall. Found in India, Nepal and Srilanka. Similipal Kol tribes in
Orissa, pound a paste mixure of the bark of pia-sal with the barks of
Mango, Sal and Amra to treat some dysentery illnesses.
Dimbeeri Dimbeeri (Common fig), Ficus carica. Small tree, grows about 30 ft.
Native to southwest Asia. Existing literaute suggests that this
edible fig is one of the first plants that were cultivated by humans.
Gua Gua (Supari), Areca catechu. A species of palm which grows
in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia. Grows straight upto
70 - 80 ft. Chewing areca nut is quite popular in India. The
nut itself can be addictive and has direct link to mouth cancers.
Pijuli Pijuli (Guava), Psidium guajava. Fruits are edible
and common in most tropical and sub-tropical locations
around the world. Grows up to 20 -30 ft high. Roots are
shallow, bark smooth, light reddish-brown.
Putranjiva Putranjiva, Drypetes Roxburghii. Evergreen, reaches
upto 60 ft. Leaves are simple, alternate, dark green. Small
male and female flowers are distinct. Fruits are ellipsoids or
rounded drupes. Leaves are refrigerent and procreant.
Acacia Acacia, Acacia Auriculiformis. This fast growing tree
can reach upto 100 ft.Acacias were purposely introduced and
planted in Southeast Asia as a source of firewood and good
quality charcoal. It does not smoke.
Kath-champa Kath-champa, Plumeria obtusa. This ornamental evergreen grows
upto 20 ft. Native to southeastern Asia. Big leaves, creamy white
flowers with yellow center. The flowers have no nectar, and
simply dupe their pollinators.The moths inadvertently pollinate
them by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their
fruitless search for nectar.
Mora-chui Mora-chui (East Indian screw tree), Helicteres isora. Small
tree grows about 10 - 15 ft. Red flowers come in sparse clusters.
Fruits greenish brown, beaked, cylindrical, spirally twisted. The
juice of the root has the potential for use in the treatment of type
2 diabetes. See here.
Araucaria Araucaria cookii, Araucaria columnaris. Very tall evergreen
ornamental pine tree with columnar growth pattern. Tortuous
stem and green branches of 3-5 ft length.
Nijhira Nijhira (Hijal), Barringtonia acutangula. Native to costal
wetlands in southern Asia. The fruit of this medium sized tree,
known as Samudra-falla, has wide medicinal use. These are bitter
in taste and are known to be beneficial for fistulae, inflamatory
tumers. The leaf juice possesses demulcent, laxative and diuretic
Indrajao Sweet Indrajao, Wrightia tinctoria. is a small and beautiful deciduous
tree that grows up to 10 meters. Its leaves are opposite, up to 8-15 cm
long and lanceolate. Bark ivory colored. Flowers are usually seen in
the tip of branches, scattered in the inflorescence and whitish and with
fragrance. Fruits are long follicles with adhered tips and long up to
50 cm. Seeds are 1-2 cm long.
Kerendo Kuli Kerendo Kuli (Karamcha), Carissa carandus. Medium sized, wild,
thorny Asian shrub. Greenish white bark on young shoots. Leaves
are ovate and opposite. Old leaves keep shedding through out the
year. Flowers are white and scented. Fruit is a globose berry, sweet,
sightly acidic when ripe.
Bel Bel, Aegle marmelos. Cultivated throughout India, this tree grows
about 60 - 70 ft. Greenish white bisexual flowers and woody skinned
smooth fruits. The juice of the fruit is stained and sweetend to make
drinks. Every parts of the tree are used for medecinal purposes.
Leaves are astringent, laxative and useful in the treatment of
ophthalmia, deafness, inflamations, cataract, diabetes.
Teja Patra Teja patra (Bey leaf), Cinnamomum tamala. This evergreen tree
grows upto 30 ft. The leaves, that give out an aromatic delicate
fragrance, are used in Indian cookery. Leaves are also used to treat
colic and diarrhea.
Tagar Tagar (Crape Jasmine), Tabernaemontana divaricata. Very common
shrub in India grows upto 10 ft. Horizontal branches having appearence
of an attractive, almost horizontal shrub (divaricata means obtuse angle).
White flowers come in clusters. Traditionally, the plant is used for fever,
pain and dysentry. See here for more.
Sausage Tree Sausage Tree, Kigelia africana. The tree is evergreen where
rainfall occurs throughout the year, but deciduous where there is
a long dry season. The flowers hang down from branches on long
flexible stems. The fruit is a woody berry from 1 - 2 ft long and upto
half ft diameter; it weighs between 5 - 8 kg, and hang down on long,
rope-like peduncles. The fresh fruit is poisonous and strongly purgative.
Rakta Kanchana Rakta Kanchana, Bauhinia purpurea. This deciduous tree, native to
southeastern Asia, grows up to 50 ft. Leaves are broad, rounded and
bilobed. Flowers, purple to nearly white, are fragrant. Seed pots
are usually 12 inch long slender and brown in colour and persists
on the tree throughout winter. The name comes from the Bauhin brothers
Jean and Gaspard, Swiss botanists. The two lobes of the leaf apperently
exemplify the two brothers. For more on this tree check out here.
Kodoli Kodoli (Banana), Musa paradisiaca. Grows upto 10 -20 ft. Every part
of this plant is used in India. Being rich in iron, the fruits stimulate the
production of hemoglobin in the blood, thus helping in cases of anemia.
Because of its high potassium, but low salt content, it is indicated for
those having problems with arterial pressure.
Amruta-bhanda Amruta-bhanda (Papaya), Carica papaya. It is a large tree-like plant,
the single stem growing from 15 - 20 ft tall, with spirally arranged
leaves confined to the top of the trunk; the lower trunk is conspicuously
scarred where leaves and edible fruit were borne. Papain, present in
papaya, is popular as a topical application in the treatment of cuts,
rashes, stings and burns. Papain ointment is commonly made from
fermented papaya flesh, and is applied as a gel-like paste. Papain's ability
to break down tough meat fibers was utilized for thousands of years
by indigenous Americans.
Salia bans Salia bans, Dendrocalamus strictus. These deciduous, sub-arborescent,
densely tufted bamboos are most commonly found in India. Grows in
dry or semi-dry areas. Extensively used for paper pulping. Tender shoots
are commonly used as food items.
Aachu Aachu (Indian mulberry), Morinda citrifolia. Native to Southeast Asia.
This evergreen tree grows 20 - 30 ft. Leaves are opposite, pinnately
veined and glossy. Flowers are perfect with about 75-90 in ovoid to
globose heads. Fruits have uniques disagreeable odor when ripe. Leaves
are used for treatment for malaria, decoctions of stem bark are used for
Jaundice. Check here for more.
Casuarina Casuarina, Casuarina equisetifolia. This evergreen tree, native to Southeast
Asia, grows upto 100 ft. The flowers are produced in small catkin-like
inflorescences; the male flowers in simple spikes, the female flowers
on short peduncles. The fruit is an oval woody structure made up of
numerous carpels each containing a single seed with a small wing. This
tree is also commonly known as Whistling Pine.
Ouu Ouu (Chalta), Dillenia indica. This evergreen tree grows upto
40-50 ft. Native to Southeast Asia. Leaves are long with impressed
veins. The flowers are large with five white petals and many
yellow stamens. Large greenish yellow fruits have many seeds and
are edible. The fruit pulp is used in Indian Cuisine.
Rubber Tree Rubber Tree, Ficus elastica. It belongs to the fig family. Native to
India and grows upto 100 ft. Its spreading branches are held up by aerial
roots which become multiple trunks. The shiny oval leaves develop inside
a reddish sheath at the tip of the branches. The rubber tree's white sticky
sap is toxic.
Kamranga Kamranga (Kamrakh), Averrhoa carambola. Evergreen, grows upto 30 ft.
Native to India.The flowers are small and bell-shaped, with five
petals that have whitish edges. The edible fruits have a thin, waxy
skin. When ripe, these have orange-yellow colour.
Chandaprava Chandaprava (Yellow Bell), Tecoma stans. This ornamental tree grows
upto 15ft. It has sharply-toothed, lance-shaped green leaves and bears
large, showy, clustered, bright golden yellow trumpet-shaped flowers. The
plant produces pods containing yellow seeds with papery wings.
Ashoka Ashoka, Saraca indica. This is an evergreen tree with deep green leaves
growing in clusters. Flowers, orange in colour, come in branches and turn
red before wilting. As a wild tree, Ashoka is a vulnerable species and
becoming rarer in natural habitat. The bark of the tree possess stimulating
effect of endometrium and ovarian tissue.The Ashoka tree is considered
sacred throughout the Indian subcontinent, especially in India and Sri Lanka.
This tree has many folklorical, religious and literary associations in the
region. The Ashoka tree has a symbolic importance in Buddhism. Queen
Maya of Sakya is said to have given birth to the Buddha under an Ashoka
tree in a garden in Lumbini.
Aakash-malli Aakash-malli, Millingtonia hortensis. Commonly known in India as
Cork tree, this tall deciduous tree grows up to 80 feet. Its fragrant flowers
are white, long and tubular. Stem and roots of the Cork tree are believed to
have medicinal value. Its dried flower is a good lung tonic. It is also used in
cough diseases. Its bark produces yellow dye. Bark is used as a substitute
for the true cork.
Black Wattle Black Wattle, Acacia mangium. Native to northeastern Queensland in
Australia, this fast growing tree reaches up to 90 feet. It is used for fire
and furniture making. Like many other legumes, it is able to fix nitrogen in
the soil.
Rudra-palasa Rudra-palasa, Spathodea campanulata. Being native to Africa, this
fast growing tree is also known as African tulip. It has glossy deep green
pinnate leaves and orange flowers. The wood is diffuclt to burn, hence it is
valuable for fire resistant landscaping. The flower bud is ampule-shaped and
contains water. These buds are often used by children who play with its
ability to squirt the water.
Kuli Kuli (ber), Ziziphus zizyphus. This small deciduous tree, commonly found
in southern Asia, grows upto 30 ft. Thorny braches have shiny green, ovate-acute
leaves with finely toothed margin. The flowers are small with yellowish-green
petals. The fruit is edible. The tree tolerates a wide range of temperatures
and rainfall. The fruits are used in Chinese and Korean traditional medicine,
where they are believed to alleviate stress.
Kagoj-phula Kagaj-phula (paper flower), Bougainvillea glabra. These flowering plants
are native to South America from Brazil west to Peru and south to southern
Argentina. They are evergreen where rainfall occurs all year, or deciduous if
there is a dry season. Bougainvillea is the most common species used for bonsai.
Tiny white flowers usually appear in clusters surrounded by colorful papery
bracts, hence the name paper flower.
Saranga Saranga, Gliricidia sepium. This flowering, deciduous tree is native to
South America. Grows upto 30 ft. Leaves are opposite, oblong-ovate, each
having a pointed tip. Flowers are pink and about half inch long. Flowering
time is February-March. When used as mulch or green manure, the nitrogen-rich
foliage improves crop production through the addition of nutrients, weed control,
conservation of moisture and reduction of soil temperature. More on Gliricidia
can be found in this Cornell University site.
Amba Amba, Mangifera indica (mango). This a member of the family Anacardiaceae -
nottrious for embracing a number of highly poisonous plants! This evergreen
tree grows upto 100ft. The fruits are the national fruit of India. It finds
mention in the songs of 4th century AD Sanskrit poet, Kalidasa, prior to it is
believed to have been tasted by Alexander (3rd century BC) and Chinese pilgrim,
Hieun Tsang (7th century CE). Later in 16th century Mughal Emperor, Akbar
planted 100,000 mango trees in Darbhanga, Bihar at a place now known as Lakhi
Sunaapaani Sunaapaani (kolke), Thevetia peruviana. It is an evergreen small tree with yellow
or orange-yellow trumpet shaped flower.It contains a milky sap containing a
compound called thevetin that is used as a heart stimulant but in its natural
form is extremely poisonous, as are all parts of the plants, especially the
seeds. Its leaves are long, lance shaped and green in colour. Leaves are covered
in waxy coating to reduce water loss.
Madhumalati Madhumalati, Quisqualis indica. This creeper with red, pink, white fragrent flowers
are common in India. Fruits are ellipsoidal with five wings. The plant is used for
traditional medicine. Decoctions of the root, seed or fruit can be used as
antihelmintic or for alleviating diarrhea. Fruit decoction can also be used for
gargling. The fruits are also used to combat nephritis. Leaves can be used to relieve
pain caused by fever. The roots are used to treat rheumatism.
Kaincha Kaincha (Gunja), Abrus precatorius. It is slender, perennial climber that twines
around trees, shrubs, and hedges. It is a legume with long, pinnate-leafleted
leaves. Seed, red with black eye, was used to measure 0.12125 grams of a
traditional unit, mostly used by jewellers and ayurved doctors. Seeds are
highly poisonous when cracked, a single one if swallowed can be fatal. It contains
Abrin. Abrin can kill a person with a circulating amount of less than 3 micorgram.
Jam Jam, Syzygium cumini. This evergreen tree grows upto 100 ft.It is native to India,
Pakistan and Indonesia. It is also widely cultivated in southern and southeastern
Asia including the Philippines, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. Leaves are elliptic
oblong or broadly ovate, and are extremely shiny. Jam tree flowers from March
to April. The flowers are fragrant and small. The fruits develop by May or June
and are very much like large berries in appearance. The fruit is oblong, ovoid,
and green in the initial days, but turns to a crimson black as it matures. The
fruit has a sweet, mildly sour and astringent flavour and lends a purple tinge
to the tongue when eaten. Jam is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C.
The dried alcoholic extracts of the seeds of the fruit given to diabetic patients
on a regular basis showed a reduction in the level of their blood sugar and
Jamrul Jamrul, Syzygium samarangense. This evergreen tree grows up to 40 ft. Has
opposite elliptic to elliptic-oblong leaves and are found in Fiji, India, Indonesia,
Malaysia. Tree is grown for their fruit, which is white or red in colour and eaten
fresh. Various parts of the tree are used in traditional medicine and has been shown
to posses antibiotic activity. See here for details.
Ficus Ficus (Weeping Fig), Ficus benjamina. Native to south and southeast Asia, this
varity of ficus grows up to 100 ft in natural conditions. With glossy leaves and
drooping branches, it is also a very popular house plant. Its roots are highly
invasive. Fruits are red in colour and fovourite for some birds. The one shown here
was found unusually big. Besides ornamental value of this tree, it is good for
soil conservation. Other uses of this tree can be found at this site.
Nodiya Nodiya, Cocos nucifera. Native to costal areas of Southeast Asia. In prehistoric
times, wild forms are believed to have been carried eastward on ocean currents
to the tropical Pacific islands and westward to coastal India, Srilanka. Trees
can grow upto 70 ft. A year-round warm and humid climate favours the growth of
the the tree. Nearly all parts of the palm are useful, and it has significant
economic value. These include flowers (In Kerala, the coconut flowers
must be present during a marriage ceremony. The flowers are inserted into a barrel
of unhusked rice (paddy) and placed within the sight of the wedding ceremony),
fruit, husk, shell, coconut water and coconut milk. See here for more on coconut.
Chakundi Chakundi, Siamese Senna. It is a morderate size evergreen tree with shining above
and glaucous beneath leaflets. Flowers are in large terminal panicles with bright
yellow petals. Pods are long, thin, many seeded and shining brown. The leaves and
pods of the senna plant contain compounds called hydroxyanthracene glycosides or
Senna Sennoside, which are bioactive. These glycosides seem to stimulate the
peristalsis of the colon and alter colonic absorption and secretion resulting in
fluid accumulation and expulsion.
Ganga Siuli Ganga Siuli, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. This small tree, reaching to about 20 ft in
height, prefers a secluded and semi-shady place to grow. The leaves are oval
with pointed tips, toothed at the edges and rough on the upper surface. Its flowers
are arranged at the tips of branches terminally and in the axils of leaves. The
flowers are waxy white, the star-like corollas five to seven lobed and with coral orange
tubes. The fruits are compressed, round and two seeded. The leaves are used like
sandpaper to polish wood. From the tubes, a not so fast dye is extracted for colouring
silk. According to mythology, it is a heavenly tree brought to earth by the Krishna.
A quarrel over it ensued between Satyabhama and Rukmini, Krishna's wives. But Krishna
planted the tree in Satyabhama's courtyard in a way that when the tree flowered, the
flowers fell in Rukmini's courtyard. For more on this check here or here.
Various parts of this tree are widely used in the traditional medicinal systems of India.
The flower is the official flower of the state of West Bengal.
Kamini Kamini, Murraya paniculata. It is a tropical, densely foliaceous evergreen plant bearing
small, white, scented flowers, which is grown as an ornamental tree or hedge. The flowers
are followed by small oval red fruits with one or two seeds. Yuehchukene is isolated from
the roots of Murraya paniculata possesses anti-fertility and estrogenic activities.
Chini Champa Chini Champa (Kalomuro), Artabotrys hexapetalus. Climbing shurb with glossy leaves
and pointed spreading spines. Seen in moist forest areas of Sri Lanka, Southern
India, Bangladesh and China. Flowers are known for thier long lasting fragrance.
Leaves contain an antifertility principle. Flowers are used for making a stimulating
tea like beverage and also yield an essetial oil used in perfumery. See here.
Jajanga Jajanga, Breynia retusa, named for Johann Philipp Breyn, 17th century German botanist,
is a shrub that grows about 2 ft in hight. Fruit looks like a berry kept on a saucer.
Powder made out of leaves are taken with suger to check diarrhea. Leaves are also used
to relieve skin inflammation. Juice of the stem is used in conjunctivitis.
Jangli Badam Jangli Badam, Sterculia foetida, stercus in Latin means manure and foetida means stinking.
Very large, straight desiduous tree with stinking flowers. Seeds are edible and contains
protein high as 17.40 %. Bark and leaves are aperient, diaphoretic and diuretic.
Dakur Dakur, Kopsia fruticosa, an evergreen shrub grows upto 12 ft. Found in India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand. Studies have shown that the barks and roots of some
Apocynaceae including Kopsia fruticosa species have anticancer and antimalarial properties.
See here for more.
Sokakainjo Sokakainjo, Adenanthera pavonina, deciduous tree found in India. Known by a host of
common names, including red-bead tree, red sandalwood, and Circassian-bean in
English. The leaves are bipinnate with 2-6 opposite pairs of pinnae, each having
8-21 leaflets on short stalks. Raw seeds are an intoxicant. The seeds have been
found to be effective in treating cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy. See here for more.
Chiani Chiani, Clerodendrum inerme, evergreen shrubs, thrive in costal enviornment. Ovate leaves
and fragrant flowers. Fresh dry leaves possess febrifugal properties. Boiled root mixed
with coconut oil is apparently useful in rheumatism.
Railway Creeper Railway creeper, Ipomoea cairica, is one of the most common evergreen creeper. It flowers
through out the year. Tubers and stems are edible when cooked. The seeds of the plant are
considered purgative,the crushed leaves of the plant are also reported to be applied externally
for getting relief from body rashes. Oil of the plant possess remarkable larvicidal properties.
Pita Koruan Pita Koruan, Wrightia tinctoria, a small, deciduous tree with a light gray, scaly smooth
bark. It is effective against psoriasis, various scalp and skin disorders. It has anti-
inflammatory and anti-bacterial medicinal properties.
Mandara Mandara, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, evergreen flowering shrub, native to East Asia,
grows upto 15 ft. Many varities are found with large flowers of different colours. Flowers,
lacking any smell, are used for hair care, for shoe shining. In Pacific Islands, these
are used in salad. Hibiscus rosa sinensis also seems to have significant anti-anxiety
associated psychobehaviour
Dumkhurddu Dumkhurddu, Gardenia latifolia, can grow upto 20-30 ft and is common in the drier
districts of India. The leaves are of a bright, clear green colour. Flowers are fragrant
and become yellowish in colour before they fall down. The fruit of the this tree is
woody. It is a soft, 2.5 cm across ball. In IOP, we have four of these trees on the main road
and just before the Director's bungalow.