Hints and Suggestions
You may enter the following string:
ANNakhi Jodi Aaj kore Aporadh koriyo kKoma
but a simpler string
ankhi jodi aj kore aporadh korio ?oma
will also do.
As per
convention, the string is:
ANNakhi Jodi Aaj kore Aporadh koriyea kKoma
Note that "o" (small oh) is the unwritten "o" sound.
So if in doubt, use "o" (instead of "bsnt", write "bosonto"). Modified
string search would do a better job then.
Modified string matches consonants and full
vowels. ("aeiou" ignored but not "AEIOU".)
Word search splits the string into words
(separated by blanks or punctuations) and then searches for the words
individually. Words with two or less primary letters are ignored.
Note that actual "O"-kar is a combination of "e" and
Search string may not use that but the final result may use "ea".
E.g., "Aalo" is "Aalea".
Alphabet convention
s.m.bhattacharjee (somen at iopb dot res dot in)
Last modified: Fri Dec 20 13:04:12 IST 2002