autonomous Research Institute of Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Sainik School, Bhubaneswar, PIN: 751005, Orissa
Tender Notice - AC Maintenance & Operation |
Last date for submission of Tender is up to15 hrs. of 22nd
October 2005 . |
of Physics invites sealed tenders, comprising of technical and financial bids separately,
from registered firms having adequate experience on maintenance and operation of central
A.C. system as well as room air conditioners. The firm should have its own service center
at BBSR/ Cuttack and adequate technically qualified staff to carry out:
1. Annual
Maintenance and Operation contract for 2X10 TR process water Plant, 2x40 TR, and 2x80 TR
central AC Plant.
2. Annual Maintenance
contract for 62 Nos of Window AC, 39 Nos of Split A.C.
The envelope
containing both technical and financial bid separately and super scribed with QUOTATION
FOR A.C. MAINTENANCE & OPERATION should be addressed to Director, Institute
of Physics, Bhubaneswar so as to reach him on or before the last date of receipt of
the tender.
The detail
technical specifications, Tender form as well as terms and conditions may be obtained from
the Institutes Accounts Section between 11 to 13 hrs. from 29th September
2005, on working days, on payment of Rs.300/-(Rupees Three hundred only) (non-refundable)
in shape of cash only. The interested parties may visit the Institute site on any working
day between 11hrs to 13 hrs before submitting their tender.
The Institute
reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders, either in full or in parts
without assigning any reasons there of.
For details of the
tender log on to Institutes website www.iopb.res.in