autonomous Research Institute of Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Sainik School, Bhubaneswar, PIN: 751005, Orissa
The Institute
invites sealed quotations from reputed freight forwarders, registered with IATA, ACCAI
& CHA and having experience in serving Govt. organizations, for empanelment upto
December 2007 for import of laboratory equipments/ spare parts to the tune of approx. Rs 4
(four) crores per annum.
parties should quote their standard freight charges applicable for import of the items
from various source of origin; viz, UK, USA, GERMANY, SINGAPORE, ITALY etc.
separately along with the charges for customs clearance, material handling & insurance
premium covered for all risks and damages during transit of items on ex-works as well as
F.O.B. basis to IOP, Bhubaneswar. In addition, the parties should also enclose the list of
their clientele.
The sealed envelope containing the
quotation & other documents as stated above & with superscription Quotation
for empanelment of Freight Forwarders should reach DIRECTOR, Institute
of Physics, Bhubaneswar on or before 25/09/2005.
The authority of the Institute
reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all quotations without assigning any
reasons thereof.
For detailed terms & conditions please visit Institutes website www.iopb.res.in.
Freight charges should be quoted on per kg basis alongwith the rate slab for
the whole consignment including delivery order charges upto separately for both Kolkata
and Bhubaneswar Air/Sea Port.
Customs clearance rate should be quoted separately.
Also the freight charges from Kolkata Customs office to Bhubaneswar site by
air as well as by road should be quoted separately.
Transit insurance is to be arranged by the agent on behalf of the Institute
upto Bhubaneswar. Attempt should made to
reduce the premium to the minimum. Rate
should be quoted separately for both fragile and non-fragile consignment.
The agent is required to submit the valid CHA license, Income tax clearance
The agent should submit valid IATA (International air transporters
association) and ACCAI (Association of cargo council agents of India) Certificates.
If the agent is asked to arrange the Customs clearance, then he has to submit
the details of documents required to be handed over to him by the Institute well in
advance before arrival of consignment at Air/Sea Port to facilitate in clearing the
consignment within the free period.
The agent may also quote their terms and conditions particularly on payment
terms, taxes, delivery etc.
If the agent is appointed as clearing agent of the Institute bank guarantee
for requisite amount in favour of Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar (to be specified
later) will have to be deposited by him.
The agent has to pay upto Rs.50, 000/- in each consignment towards freight,
delivery order, Customs duty, airport authority charges and entry tax and the same amount
will be reimbursed to him within seven days from the date of submission of bill. Beyond Rs.50, 000/- Institute will make payment
for Customs duty in favour of the Commissioner of Customs & Entry tax in favour of the
sales tax authority within 48 hours of receipt of requisition from the agent. In such an event, the freight, airport
authority charges etc. will have to be borne by the agent, which will be settled by the
Institute against submission of bills.
The rate quoted by the agent should be valid for at least one year from the
date of acceptance of offer.
Tentative list of countries and their different airports for cargo booking is
to be submitted.