The main objective of this focused conference is to provide a unique platform for the discussions and interactions on the recent advances in electron spectroscopy, microscopy, and related theoretical approaches in understanding the electronic structure of materials. NCES is also aimed at the capacity building in the field of electronic structure. Scientists from Universities and Research Institutes working in spectroscopy, microscopy and related theory are invited to discuss their results and brainstorm future developments. The conference's topics include, ARPES, XPS, STS, EXAFS, XANES, DFT, Strongly Correlated Systems, Superconductivity, Topological Materials, Quantum Solids.
Participation in this conference is mainly by invitation.
This is a special event for the Golden Jubilee year of IOP Bhubaneswar.
IOP, Bhubaneswar
TIFR, Mumbai
SINP, Kolkata
SNBNCBS, Kolkata