Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

An Autonomous research institute of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India

Recent Developments in Field Theory - 2015

Conference Schedule


09:00-09:30 Registration

09:30-09:45 Welcome Address by Director, IOP

Chair : T. Pradhan

09:45-11:30 Lecture-I (10 minutes each)

P. Panigrahi, S. P. Misra, T. Pradhan, A. Khare,

A. Raychoudhuri, , J. K. Bhattacharjee, J. Maharana

& any other members


Remark by A. DAS

11:30-12:00 High Tea

12:00-12:40 Lecture-II

A. Raychaudhuri : Universal Extra-Dimensional models:

Probing at the LHC

12:40-1:20 Lecture-III

A. Khare : Stability of Solitary waves in Nonlinear Dirac Equation with Arbitrary Nonlinearity

01:20-02:30 Lunch

Chair : S. P. Misra

02:30-03:10 Lecture-V

J. K. Bhattacharjee : Turbulence and field theory:

successes and failures

03:10-03:50 Lecture-VI

V. K. B. Kota : Random Matrix Physics

03:50-04:10 Tea

04:10-04:50 Lecture-VII

J. Maharana : Duality

Director's Dinner: 7:30 PM onwards at Hotel Suryansh


Chair : A. Srivastava

10:00-10:30 Lecture-I

S. Naik : The String Field theory with Ramond Fermions

10:30-11:00 Lecture-II

G. Krishnaswami : Higgs mechanism and the added mass effect

11:00-11:30 Tea

11:30-12:00 Lecture-III

E. Harikumar : Dimensional flow in kappa-space-time

12:00-12:30 Lecture-IV

A. Maharana : Inflation, CMB and Moduli

12:30-01:00 Lecture-V

R. P. Malik : BRST, anti-BRST and Gerbes: Abelian 3-Form Gauge Theory

01:00-02:30 Lunch

Chair : S. Panda

02:30-03:00 Lecture-VI

S. Mahapatra : Deformations of N=2 Supergravity and Topological String

03:00-03:30 Lecture-VII

S. Sree Ranjani : Shape Invariant Rational Extensions and Potentials Related to Exceptional Polynomials

03:30-04:00 Tea

04:00-04:30 Lecture-VIII

A. Virmani : Black-hole micro-state programme

04:00-04:30 Lecture-IX

B. Mohanty : Experimental review of search for disoriented chiral condensates


Chair : P. Panigrahi

10:00-10:30 Lecture-I

B. P. Mandal : Finite field dependent Mixed BRST

10:30-11:00 Lecture-II

N. Deo : Counting RNA folds using Matrix Models

11:00-11:30 Tea

11:30-12:00 Lecture-III

Vivek Vyas : Some results on topological currents in field theory

12:00-12:30 Lecture-IV

Ananya Ghatak : PT-symmetrically extended many particle integrable model

12:30-01:00 Lecture-V

Kumar Abhinav : Topological spin transport in planar materials

01:00-02:30 Lunch

Chair : J. Maharana

02:30-03:00 Lecture-VI

Aradhya K. Shukla : General N = 2 Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanical Model: Supervariable Approach

03:00-03:30 Lecture-VII

Shobhit Sachan : Study of confinement/deconfinement transition in AdS/QCD models

03:30-04:00 Tea

04:00-04:30 Concluding Session