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Ashis Kumar Panigrahi received Best Poster Presentation Award @ EESTER 2k25 Conference organised by SRM University & IIT Madras, Chennai
NCST 2k24 Conference @ Toshali Sands Resort, Puri
Fall (2024): (Left to right) Ashis, Priyanka, Suman, Prof. Satyaprakash Sahoo, Alok, Smruti and Babulu
Sandhya celebrating her successful completion of PhD defense
(From left to right ): Prof. Sahoo, Dr. Sandhya, Prof. Sikha Verma, Prof. Abhishek Misra (IIT Madras), Prof. Saptarshi Mondal
Group photo with Sameer celebrating his successful completion of PhD defense
(From Left to right): Priyanka, Suman, Alok, Prof. Samit K. Ray (IIT KGP), Dr. Sameer, Prof. Sahoo, Smruti, Ashis and Sandhya
Group photo with Mousam celebrating his successful completion of PhD defense
(From Left to right): Ashis, Sandhya, Suman, Prof. Sahoo, Dr. Mousam, Prof. Bikas C Das (IISER Thiruvananthapuram), Sameer, Alok, Priyanka and Smruti
Ashis Kumar Panigrahi received Best Poster Presentation Award @ FMET 2k24 Conference organised by Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Suman Roy received Best Oral Presentation Award @ ICFMPT 2k24 Conference organised by ICT-IOCL, Bhubaneswar
Sandhyarani Sahoo received Best Poster Presentation Award @ ICTN-KLC 2k23 Conference organised by IIT Madras, Chennai
ICTN-KLC 2k23 Conference @ IIT Madras, Chennai
(Left to right): Sameer, Sandhya, Prof. Satyaprakash Sahoo, Roshan and Suman
ALMOND 2k23 Conference @ Toshali Sands Resort, Puri
Spring (2023): (Left to right) Ashis, Sameer, Suman, Prof. Satyaprakash Sahoo, Roshan, Mousam, Smruti and Alok
Farewell gift to Dr. Neha Kapila Sharma
Farewell gift to Mahesh and Gayathry
Wedding gift to Dr. Anjan and his wife
LDM Lab visit by visiting students
Sameer explaining The Raman effect and it’s application to students
Visualization of Tyndall Effect
Prof. Satyaprakash Sahoo was giving an interview to a TV news channel explaining the importance of National Science Day
Suman demonstrating the discrepancy of balloon experiment to the visitors
Visualization of Total Internal Reflection
Ms. Aisha helping our group to demonstrate the Uncertainty principle using Diffraction of light to the visitors
Celebration of National Science Day, 2022 at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
National Science Day, 2022
Fall 2021: (left to right) Sameer, Mousam, Gayathry, Dr. Neha, Prof. Sahoo, Dr. Anjan, Sandhya, Mahesh