
74. Analog-Digital Hybridity of Resistive Switching in Ion-Irradiated BiFeO3 Memristor for Synergistic Neuromorphic Functionality and Artificial Learning, Suman Roy, M. C. Sahu, A K Jena, S K Mallik, Roshan Padhan, J Mohanty, S Sahoo, Advanced Material Technologies, 10 (2), 2400557 (2025)

73. Defect-engineered monolayer MoS2 with enhanced memristive and synaptic functionality for neuromorphic computing, Manisha Rajput, Sameer Kumar Mallik, Sagnik Chatterjee, Ashutosh Shukla, Sooyeon Hwang, Satyaprakash Sahoo, GV Pavan Kumar, Atikur Rahman, Communications Materials5 (1), 190 (2024)

72. All-2D CVD-grown semiconductor field-effect transistors with van der Waals graphene contacts, Md Anamul Hoque, Antony George, Vasudev Ramachandra, Emad Najafidehaghani, Ziyang Gan, Richa Mitra, Bing Zhao, Satyaprakash Sahoo, Maria Abrahamsson, Qiuhua Liang, Julia Wiktor, Andrey Turchanin, Sergey Kubatkin, Samuel Lara-Avila, Saroj P Dash, npj 2D Materials and Applications8 (1), 55 (2024)

71. Neuromorphic learning and recognition in WO3−x thin film-based forming-free flexible electronic synapses, Archana Mohapatra, Chinmayee Mandar Mhaskar, Mousam Charan Sahu, Satyaprakash Sahoo, Ayan Roy Chaudhuri, Nanotechnology 35 455702 (2024) 

70. Direct Transfer of Monolayer MoS2 Device Arrays for Potential Applications in Flexible Electronics, S. K. Mallik, Roshan Padhan, Suman Roy, M. C. Sahu, Sandhyarani Sahoo, S. Sahoo, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7, 5, 4796–4804 (2024) 

69. Ionotronic WSmemtransistors for 6-bit storage and neuromorphic adaptation at high temperature, S. K. Mallik, Roshan Padhan, M. C. Sahu, Gopal K. Pradhan, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Saroj Prasad Dash, S. Sahoo, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 7, 63 (2023) (Featured in Nature Portfolio’s Noble Prize in Physics 2024 Cross- Journal collections under the category “Memory Models”)

68. Thermally Driven Multilevel non-Volatile Memory with Monolayer MoS for Brain-Inspired Artificial Learning, S. K. Mallik, Roshan Padhan, M. C. Sahu,  Suman Roy, Gopal K. Pradhan, Prasanna K. Sahoo, Saroj Prasad Dash, S. Sahoo, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 30, 36527–36538, (2023).

67. Reconfigurable Low Power TiOMemristor for Integration of Artificial Synapse and Nociceptor, Mousam C Sahu, A. K. Jena, S. K. Mallik, S Roy, S Sahoo,  R. S. Ajimsha, Pankaj Misra, and S. Sahoo, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 21, 25713–25725, (2023).

66. High Responsivity in Monolayer MoS2 Photodetector via Controlled Interfacial Carrier Trapping, Sandhyarani Sahoo, M. C. Sahu, S. K. Mallik, Anjan K. Jena, Gopal K. Pradhan, and S. Sahoo, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 5, 2, 1077–1087, (2023).

65. Bipolar resistive switching in TiOartificial synapse mimicking the Pavlov’s associative learning, A K. Jena, M. C. Sahu, K. U. Mohanan, S. K. Mallik, Sandhyarani Sahoo, G. K. Pradhan, S. Sahoo, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 2, 3574–3585, (2023).

64. Polarized Moiré Phonon and Strain Coupled Phonon Renormalization in twisted bilayer MoS2, S. K. Mallik, Sandhyarani Sahoo, M. C. Sahu, A K. Jena, G. K. Pradhan, S. Sahoo, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 37, 15788–15794 (2022)

63. Multifunctional 2D MoS2 optoelectronic artificial synapse with integrated arithmetic and reconfigurable logic operations for in-memory neuromorphic computing applications, M. C. Sahu, Sandhyarani Sahoo, S. K. Mallik, A K. Jena, S. Sahoo, Advanced Materials Technologies, 202201125 (2022).

62. Transition Metal Substituted MoS/WSVan der Waals Heterostructure for Realization of Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, S. K. Mallik, A.K. Jena, N. K. Sharma, Sandhyarani Sahoo, M. C. Sahu, S. K. Gupta, R. Ahuja, S. Sahoo, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 169567 (2022).

61. Electronic Bandstructre Modulation of MoX2/ZnO (X: S, Se) Heterostructure by Applying External Electric Field, N. K. Sharma, Sandhyarani Sahoo, M. C. Sahu, S. K. Mallik, A. K. Jena, H. Sharma, S. K. Gupta, R. Ahuja, S. Sahoo, Surfaces and Interfaces, 101817 (2022).

60. Strain-mediated Ferromagnetism and Low Field Magnetic Reversal in Co Doped Monolayer WS2, A. K. Jena, S. K. Mallik, Sandhyarani Sahoo, M. C. Sahu, A. K Sahoo, N. K. Sharma, J. Mohanty, S. K. Gupta, R. Ahuja, S. Sahoo, Scientific Reports 12, 2593 (2022).

59. Multilevel Resistive Switching in Graphene Oxide-Multiferroic Thon-film based Hybrid RRAM Device by Interfacial Oxygen Vacancy Engineering, A. K. Jena, M. C. Sahu, Sandhyarani Sahoo, S. K. Mallik, G. K. Pradhan, J. Mohanty, S. Sahoo, Applied Physics A 128, 213 (2022).

58. Electric Field Modulated Charge Transfer in Geometrically Tailored MoX2/WX2(X=S,Se) Heterostructures, Sandhyarani Sahoo, M. C. Sahu, S. K. Mallik, N. K. Sharma, A. K. Jena, S. K. Gupta, R. Ahuja, S. Sahoo, J. Phys. Chem. C  125, 40, 22360–22369). (Appeared as Cover page, 2021)

57. Salt-assisted growth of monolayer MoS2 for high-performance hysteresis-free field-effect transistor, S. K. Mallik, Sandhyarani Sahoo, M. C. Sahu, S. K. Gupta, S. P. Dash, R. Ahuja, S. Sahoo, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 145106 (2021).

56. Effect of Charge Injection on the Conducting Filament of Valence Change Anatase TiO2 Resistive Random Access Memory Device, M. C. Sahu, S. K. Mallik, Sandhyarani Sahoo, S. K. Gupta, R. Ahuja, S. Sahoo, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 1876–1884 (2021).

55. Rashba Splitting in Two Dimensional Hybrid Perovskite Materials for High Efficient Solar and Heat Energy Harvesting, H. L. Kagdada, S. K. Gupta, S. Sahoo, D. K. Singh, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 7679-7686 (2020).

54. Thermal conductivity of free-standing silicon nanowire using Raman spectroscopy, Sandhyarani Sahoo, S. K. Mallik, M. C. Sahu, A. Joseph, S. Singh, S. K. Gupta, B. Rout, G. K. Pradhan, and S. Sahoo, Nanotechnology. 31, 505701 (2020).

53. Manipulation of exciton and trion quasiparticles in monolayer WS2 via charge transfer, A. P. S. Gaur, A. M. Rivera, S. P. Dash, S. Dey, R. S. Katiyar, and S. Sahoo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 173103 (2019).

52. Influence of Li ion implantation on LO phonon broadening and bandgap opening in ZnO thin films, S. K. Das, G. K. Pradhan, P. D. Bhuyan, S. K. Gupta, S. SahooJ. Alloys and Comps. 806, 1138 (2019).

51. Enhanced ultraviolet emission from self-assembled ZnO nanorods grown on graphene, SK Das, G. K Pradhan, A. Singh, PK Sahoo, S. SahooJ. of Appl. Phys. 124, 235302 (2018).

50. Modulating the electronic and optical properties of monolayer arsenene phases by organic molecular doping, D. Singh, S. K. Gupta, Y. Sonvane, S. Sahoo, Nanotechnology 28 (49), 495202, (2017).

49. Grain size-dependent thermal conductivity of polycrystalline twisted bilayer Graphene, T. B. Limbu, K. R. Hahn, F. Mendoza, S. Sahoo, J. J. Razink, R. S. Katiyar, B. R. Weiner, G. Morell, Carbon 117, 367-375 (2017). 

48. Spin-polarized tunneling through chemical vapor deposited multilayer molybdenum disulfide, A. Dankert, P. Pashaei, M. V. Kamalakar, A. P. S. Gaur, S. Sahoo, I Rungger, A. Narayan, K. Dolui, M. A. Hoque, R. S. Patel, M. P. de Jong, R. S. Katiyar, S. Sanvito, S. P. Dash, 11 (6), 6389, ACS nano (2017). 

47. Ferrielectricity in a metal-organic ferroelectric, J. F. Scott, F. D. Morrison, A. M. Z. Slawin, R. Clulow, A. Gherson, A. Bumstead, J. Gardner, S. Capelli, M. Probert, S. Sahoo, J. Young, R. Katiyar, E. Salje, Phy. Rev. B. (2017).

46. Science and technology of diamond films grown on HfO2 interface layer for transformational technologies, J. J. A. Peña, G. Lee, E. M. A. F. Fernandez, P. Gurman, M. Q. Lopez, S. Sahoo, R. S Katiyar, D. Berman, O. Auciello, Diamond and Related Materials 69, 221-228 (2016).

45. Studies on chemical charge doping related optical properties in monolayer WS2, A. M. Rivera, A. P. S. Gaur, S. Sahoo, R. S. Katiyar, J. Appl. Phys. 120 (10), 105102 (2016).

44. Synthesis and characterization of microcrystalline diamond to ultranano crystalline diamond films via hot filament chemical vapor deposition for scaling to large area applications, E. M. A. Fuentes-Fernandez, J. J. Alcantar-Peña, G. Lee, A. Boulom, H. Phan, B. Smith, T. Nguyen, S. Sahoo, F. Ruiz-Zepeda, M.J. Arellano-Jimenez, P. Gurman , C.A. Martinez-Perez , M.J. Yacaman, R. S. Katiyar, M.J. Auciello, Thin Solid Films 603, 62-68, (2016). 

43. Cold cathode emission studies on topographically modified few layer and single layer MoS2 films, A. P. S. Gaur, S. Sahoo, F. Mendoza, A. M. Rivera, M. Kumar, S. P. Dash, G. Morell, R. S. Katiyar, Appl. Phys. Lett.108 (4), 043103 (2016). 

42. Studies of phase transitions and magnetoelectric coupling in PFN-CZFO multiferroic composites, D. K. Pradhan, V. S. Puli, S. Kumari, S. Sahoo, P. T. Das, K. Pradhan, …     J. Phys. Chem. C, (2015). 

41. Graphitic carbon nanospheres: A Raman spectroscopic investigation of thermal conductivity and morphological evolution by pulsed laser irradiation, R. Agarwal, S. Sahoo, V. R. Chitturi, R. S. Katiyar J. Appl. Phys.118 (21), 214301, (2015).

40. Enhanced photovoltaic properties in graphitic carbon nanospheres networked TiO2 nanocomposite based dye sensitized solar cell, R. Agarwal, S. Sahoo, V. R. Chitturi, J. D. Williams, O. Resto, R. S. Katiyar J. Alloys and Compounds 641, 99 (2015) 

39. Structural phase transition of ternary dielectric SmGdO3: Evidence from angle dispersive x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic studies, Y. Sharma, S. Sahoo, A. K. Mishra, P. Misra, J.Appl. Phys. 117 (9), 094101 (2015). 

38. Electron-phonon interaction and double resonance Raman studies in monolayer WS2 A.P.S Gaur, S. Sahoo, J. F Scott, R. S Katiyar J. Phy. Chem. C, (2015).

37. Plasmon enhanced photovoltaic performance in TiO2-graphene oxide  composite based dye-sensitized solar cells, R Agarwal, S Sahoo, O Resto, RS Katiyar,ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 4 (9), M64-M68, (2015). 

36. Thermal Conductivity of Freestanding Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Sheet by Raman Spectroscopy, S. Sahoo, V. R. Chitturi, R. Agarwal, J. W. Jiang, and R. S. Katiyar, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces  6 (22), 19958(2014).

35. Studies of the switchable photovoltaic effect in co-substituted BiFeO3 thin films, R. K. Katiyar, Y. Sharma, P. Misra, V. S. Puli, S. Sahoo, A. Kumar, J. F. Scott, G. Morell, B. R. Weiner,and R. S. Katiyar, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 172904 (2014).

34. Surface Energy Engineering for Tunable Wettability through Controlled Synthesis of MoS2, A. P.S. Gaur, S. Sahoo, M. Ahmadi, S. P. Dash, M. J. F Guinel and R. S. Katiyar, Nano Lett. 14, 4314 (2014).

33. Temperature dependence of the Raman spectra of polycrystalline graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition, N. Hosoya, Y. Akaho, M. Inoue, S. Sahoo, M. Tachibana, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 023108 (2014).

32. Studies on Structural, Dielectric and Transport Properties of Ni0.65Zn0.35Fe2O, D. K. Pradhan, P. Misra, V. S. Puli, S. Sahoo, D. K. Pradhan, and R. S. Katiyar, J. Appl. Phys. 115 (24), 243904, (2014). 

32. Nano-Ribbons: Their Phase Transformation from Tungstite (WO3.H2O) to Tungsten Oxide (WO3), M. Ahmadi,S. Sahoo, R. Younesi, A. P. S. Gaur, R. S Katiyar, M. Guinel, WO3 J. Materials Sci. 49, 5899 (2014).

30. Studies on magnetoelectric coupling in PFN-NZFO composite at room temperature, D. K. Pradhan, S. Sahoo, S. K. Barik, V. S. Puli, P. Misra, R. S. Katiyar, J. Appl. Phys. 115 , 194105 (2014).

29. Phonons and magnetic excitation correlations in weak ferromagnetic YCrO3, Y. Sharma, S. Sahoo, W. Perez, S. Mukherjee, R. Gupta, A. Garg, R. Chatterjee, R. S. Katiyar, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 183907 (2014).

28. Temperature dependent Raman scattering studies of three dimensional topological insulators Bi2Se3, B. Irfan, S. Sahoo, A. P. S. Gaur, M. Ahmadi, M. J. F Guinel, R. S. Katiyar, and R. Chatterjee, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 173506 (2014).

27. Enhanced photoresponse in BiFeO3/SrRuO3 heterostructure, R. K. Katiyar, P. Misra, S. Sahoo, G. Morell, R. S. Katiyar,  609, 168, J. Alloys Comp. (2014).

26. Optical and vibrational studies of partially edge-terminated vertically aligned nanocrystalline MoS2 thin films, A. P. S. Gaur, S. Sahoo, M. Ahmadi, M. J. F. Guinel, S. K. Gupta, R. Pandey, S. K. Dey, R. S. Katiyar, J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (49), 26262 (2013).

25. Temperature dependent Raman studies and thermal conductivity of few layer MoS2, S. Sahoo, A. P. S. Gaur, M. Ahmadi, M. Guinel, R. S. Katiyar, J. Phy. Chem. C 117 (17), 9042 (2013).

24. In-situ Raman studies of electrically reduced graphene oxide and its field emission properties, S. Sahoo, G. Khurana, S. Barik, S. Dussan, L. D. Barrionuevo, R. Katiyar, J. Phy. Chem C 117, 5485–5491 (2013).

23. Raman spectroscopic studies of pulsed laser induced defect evolution in graphene, S. Sahoo, R. Palai, S. Barik, R. Katiyar, J. Raman Spec. 44, 798 (2013).

22. Improved photovoltaic performance of dye sensitized solar cell using ZnO-graphene nano-composites, G. Khurana, S. Sahoo, S. Barik, R. Katiyar, J. Alloys Comp. 578, 257 (2013).

21. Investigations on electrical and magnetic properties of multiferroic [(1−x)Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3xNi0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4] composites, D. K. Pradhan, S.K.  Barik, S. Sahoo, V. S. Puli, and R. S. Katiyar, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 144104 (2013).

20. Microwave assisted synthesis of ZnO nano-sheets and their application in UV-detector, S. Sahoo, S. K Barik, A. P. S. Gaur, M. Correa, G. Singh, R. K Katiyar, V. S, Puli, J. Liriano, R. S. Katiyar, ECS J. Solid State Sci. and Tech. 1, Q140, (2012).

19. Low-frequency Raman, and nonlinear optical-limiting studies in copper–silica nanocompositesS. Mohapatra, Y. K. Mishra, A. M. Warrier, R. Philip, S. Sahoo, A. K. Arora and D. K. Avasthi, Plasmonic 7,  25 (2012).

18. Raman spectroscopy to probe residual stress in ZnO nanowire, S. Sahoo, G. L. Sharma, Ram. S. Katiyar, J. Raman Spec. 43, 72 (2012). 

17. Studies of photovoltaic properties of nanocrystalline thin films of CdS–CdTe, R. K. Katiyar, S. Sahoo, A.P.S. Gaur, A. Singh, G. Morell, R.S. Katiyar, J. Alloys and Comp. 509, 10003 (2011). 

16. Self-assembled highly uniform ZnO submicrometer rods on metal grid grown by vapor–liquid–solid method, S. Sahoo, J. F. Scott, A. K. Arora, and Ram S. Katiyar, Cryst. Growth Des. 11 (8), 3642 (2011).

15. Polarized Raman scattering in monolayer, bilayer, and suspended bilayer grapheme,     S. Sahoo, R. Palai, and R. S. Katiyar, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 044320 (2011).

14. Absence of magnetism in Cr-doped In2O3: a case study of phase separation versus phase formation, A. P S Gaur, S. Sahoo, R K Katiyar, C Rinaldi, J F Scott, and R S Katiyar, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 495002 (2011).

13. Optical properties of In2O3 octahedra nano-beads grown on ZnO nanowires, S. Sahoo, A.P.S. Gaur, A.K. Arora, R.S. Katiyar, Chem. Phys. Lett.  510,  242 (2011).

12. Effect of annealing on microstructure and phase evolution of Ag6Mo10O33 nanorods synthesised by novel soft chemical method, S. Misra, S. Sahoo, V. Jayaraman, A.K. Arora, T. Gnanasekaran, Inter. J. Nanotechnology7, 870, (2010).

11. Raman scattering from surface optical phonon in diameter modulated AlN nanotips, S. Sahoo, S. Dhara, A. K. Arora, and R. Krishnan, P. Chandramohan, M. P. Srinivasan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 103113 (2010).

10. Laser power induced multiphonon resonant Raman scattering in CdS nanoparticles, S. Sahoo and A. K. Arora, J. Phys. Chem. B. 114 (12), 4199 (2010).

9. Titanium dioxide synthesized using titanium chloride: size effect study using Raman and photoluminescence, S. K. Gupta, Rucha Desai, P. K. Jha, S. Sahoo and D. Kirin, J. Raman Spect. 41350 (2009).

8. Nano-graphitic clustering and breakdown of phonon selection rule in diamond- like carbon films, S. Kataria, S. Sahoo, S. A. Barve, S. Dash, D. S. Patil, A. K. Tyagi and A. K. Arora, Solid State Comm. 149, 1881 (2009).

7. Raman spectra of confined optical phonons of different symmetries in TiO2 nanoparticles, S. Sahoo, A. K. Arora and V. Shridharan, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 16927 (2009).

6. Observation of torsional mode in CdS1−xSex nanoparticles in borosilicate Glass, S. K. Gupta, S. Sahoo, Prafulla K. Jha, A. K. Arora, and Y. M. Azhniuk, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 024307 (2009).

5. Phonon confinement and substitutional disorder in Cd1−xZnxS nanocrystals, S. Sahoo, S. Dhara, V. Sivasubramanian, S. Kalavathi and A. K. Arora, J. Raman Spect.  40, 1050–1054 (2009).

4. Confined acoustic phonon in CdS1−xSex nanoparticles in borosilicate glass, S. K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha, S. Sahoo, A. K. Arora, and Y. M. Azhniuk, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology  9, 5541 (2009).

3. Phonon confinement in stressed silicon nanocluster, S. Sahoo, S. Dhara, S. Mahadevan, and A. K. Arora, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9, 5604 (2009).

2. Surface optical Raman modes in InN nanostructurs, S. Sahoo, M. S. Hu, C. W. Hsu, C. T. Wu, K. H. Chen, L. C. Chen,A. K. Arora, and S. Dhara, Appl. Phys. Lett.  93, 233116 (2008).

1. Excitation energy dependence of electron–phonon interaction in ZnO nanoparticles, S. Sahoo, V. Sivasubramanian, S. Dhara, A.K. Arora, Solid State Com. 147, 271 (2008).