
Courses Taught in IOP

Numerical Methods

Experimental Laboratory

Advanced Course on Photoelectron spectroscopy using X-rays

Experimental Laboratory Course

Theoretical Aspects of Experimental Physics

Condensed Matter Theory

Courses/Lectures taught outside IOP

Computational Physics : Course for Senior Undergraduates at Univ. WI-Milwaukee, USA, Spring 1993, and Spring1992

Quantum Aspects of Surface Physics: Course for senior Undergraduates at Univ. Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA, Fall 1992, Fall 1991

Lectures in Refresher Course for College Teachers at Banaras Hindu University, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (Aug. 2000). Three Lectures on the theme of ‘Investigating Nanostructure properties by Scanning Probe Microscopes’

Lectures in the ‘Nanotechnology Processing and Application –MHRD/AICTE’ organized by IIT Kharagpur (Sept. 2009). Three Lectures on the theme of ‘Making and looking at Nanostructures’, ‘Scanning Probe Microscopy’ and ‘DNA as a Sensor’

Lectures in Summer School on Techniques for Design, Fabrication and Computation of Integrated Circuits at Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, Univ. of Calcutta, Kolkata (May. 2012). Three Lectures on the theme of ‘Nanostructures and Sensors’

Lectures in Winter School on Physics and Technology of Sensors, PHYTSENS -12: at Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, Univ. of Calcutta, Kolkata (Nov 2012). Three Lectures on the theme of ‘Fabrication, Characterization and Sensing behavior of Nanostructures’

Lectures in DST-SERC School on ‘Ion Interaction with Matter’ at Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujrat (March 2015). Seven lectures on the theme of ‘Role of scaling properties in Surface and Interface Growth’ and ‘Photoelectron spectroscopies for studying the Growth of surface’.

Lecture on International School on the Ion Beams in Materials Science (IBMS-2016), held at IUAC, New Delhi ( Sept 2016): Two Lectures on the theme of Scaling Properties Applied to rough Self Affine surfaces and X- Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)’ and ‘A brief introduction to Fractals with Relations to Rough Ion Bombarded Surfaces’.

Lectures in the QIP program on Radiation effects in Materials and their characterization through Advanced Techniques, held at School of Materials science and Technology, IIT BHU (Oct 2019) : Two Lectures on theme of ‘Ion irradiated materials Characterization and Application’ and ‘Surface Characterization using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy( XPS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)’

Lectures in International School on Ion Beams in Materials Science, (IBMS 2022) at Inter University Accelerator Center (IUAC), New Delhi, (Nov. 2022): Two lectures on the theme of ‘Nanopatterning and Applications’