The meeting aims to discuss the current status and future prospects of the various topics of Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model Physics such as New Physics, Higgs and Top Physics, Neutrino, QCD.
The theme of this years meeting is collider physics.The main purpose is to review the status of our current understanding of SM and beyond the Standard Model Physics and to make some definitive attempts in order to interpret the observations at LHC. Additionally, focus will be given to predict hidden corners of new physics at LHC or the other experimental facilities. There will be plenary talks by experts in each area reviewing the status of the field followed by more specific and technical talks presenting the latest work and developments in the field.
We also plan for dedicated discussion session where collective efforts will be put to address some of the open issues in the field of high energy physics. One of the important objectives is also to bring experts, young researchers and students together providing a conducive environment for discussion and further works on these few specific topics: