This program is focused on application of Deep Machine Learning (DML) in High Energy Physics and the eligibility requirements for the participants include being a student or postdoc, working in theoretical or experimental particle physics or astro-particle physics. Additionally, participants should have experience with programming languages, especially Python and C++, and some knowledge of simulated event generation and data analysis frameworks such as Madgraph, Pythia, Delphes, ROOT etc.. Students having basic knowledge of machine learning tools and working on problems that can be benefited from the applications of machine learning will be preferred.
This questionnaire is an essential part of pre-registration. For planning and executing purposes, we would like to know the basic information from the participants. This meeting is planned to have three major components:
In an online preschool, around a month before the ml4hep, the students should learn all the basics and prerequisites for attending the School. Learning materials will be shared and guided during this phase. Final registration would be compiled based on the feedback from the preschool and this questionnaire.
School during the first phase of the meeting would cover different applications useful for high energy physics.
Workshop during the second phase consists of challenges and workouts on diverse problems of common interest provided by speakers and other participants.
A nominal registration fee of 4000 ₹ (for student) and 6000 ₹ (for postdoc) will be charged if the registration is accepted.