Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

International workshop on "Recent Trends in Nuclear Structure and its Implication in Astrophysics" jointly organized by TIFR, Mumbai and IOP, Bhubaneswar

The possibility to study in detail the properties of nuclei at large angular momentum as well as extreme isospin with the new generation of detectors as well as ion beam facilities has transformed the nuclear science. The resulting extension in our knowledge will pose a considerable challenge to our present theoretical understanding of the nuclear many-body system. Such studies will allow us to address a large range of essential questions concerning nuclear structure, nuclear dynamics, nuclear astrophysics, as well as new applications in different fields. Despite the variety of individual questions to be asked and experimental techniques to be employed, there is only one encompassing theme related to the behavior of nuclei under different conditions and its impact on the evolution of universe. Low energy nuclear physics community in India is involved in a number of experiments to study nuclear structure and its dynamics using Indian National Gamma Array (INGA) at different accelerators within the country. To keep the low energy nuclear physics community of India in tune with the global developments in the field of nuclear structure and reactions, it is proposed to augment the INGA program by strengthening the gamma detection facilities at each of the three accelerator centers. Such a move will enable us to focus on experiments with low cross-sections by using longer beam times. Groups within India are participating in the nuclear structure experiments with radioactive ion beams at International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) and SPIRAL2. During the five days of the workshop we plan to focus on the present theoretical and experimental status regarding nuclear structure and its implication in astrophysics. The goal of this workshop is to identify and understand the problems that need to be addressed in the area of nuclear structure and reaction with the present and upcoming accelerator facilities which will provide stable and radioactive ion beams. This will bring together practitioners in nuclear structure to identify specific problems which can be initiated at the in-house accelerator facilities and find the complementary research programs in the upcoming accelerator facilities.