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Shikha Varma


Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

Phone: 91-674-2306410

Email: shikha@iopb.res.in


The research of Shikha Varma and her group focusses in areas of nanoscience, nano-bio and ion-beam applications with the motivation of achieving functional platforms. Their research involves synthesis of quantum-dots and self-assembled nanostructured surfaces for understanding and modulating properties like electronic structure, optical, magnetic, wetting etc. Some of the current studies investigate the functional hybrid platforms of metal oxides and graphene quantum dots for bandgap engineering, glucose sensing, memory devices and photocatalysis. Organic and DNA overlayers are being investigated for understanding interaction mechanism and sequestration of toxic materials like Mercury and Arsenic.


Professor (H+):
Jun. 14 – present, Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar, India

Director In-Charge:
Sept. 20 – 15. Jun. 21, Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar, India

Professor (H):
Aug. 10 – Jun. 14, Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar, India

Associate Professor:
Feb. 04 – Jul. 10, Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar, India

Assistant Professor:
Feb. 98 – Jan. 04, Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar, India

Senior Lecturer:
Oct. 94 – Jan. 98, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India

Previous Associations

Visiting Scientist:
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, Sept. 93 – Sept. 94
Univ. of California- Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, (CA) USA

Associate Lecturer & Research Associate:
Surface Science, Physics Department, Sept. 91 – Aug. 93, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Milwaukee (WI) USA

Research Associate:
Surface Science, Physics Department, Feb. 90 – Aug. 91
Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, (OH) USA

Academic Degrees

PhD   Condensed Matter Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse (NY) USA, 1990
M.S. Physics, Syracuse University Syracuse, (NY) USA, 1987 
M.Sc. Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, (UP) India, 1984
B.Sc. Physics, Maths, Chemistry, IT College, Lucknow, (UP) India, 1982

Areas of Expertise
  • Nanoscience
  • Nano-bio
  • Ion-beam applications
New Horizons in Physics: IPA at 50 on 19. Dec. 2020