1. "Fabrication, photoemission studies, and sensor of Hg nanoparticles templated on plasmid DNA", Subrata Majumder, M. Priyadarshini, U. Subudhi, M. Umananda, G. B. N. Chainy, P. V. Satyam, and Shikha Varma, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 073110 (2009), [also selected for the Nature India 68,(2009), and Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 17, 5,March 1 (2009)].
2. "X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigations of Modifications in Plasmid DNA after Interaction with Hg-Nanoparticles", S. Majumder, M. Priyadarshini, U. Subudhi, G.B.N. Chainy and Shikha Varma, Appl. Surf. Sci, 256 438-442(2009).
3. "Studies of self-organized Nanostructures on InP(111) surfaces after low energy Ar+ ion irradiation", D. Paramanik, S. Majumder, S. R. Sahoo, S. N. Sahu and S. Varma, Journal Of Nanoscience And Nanotechnology, 8, 4227-30 (2008).
4. "Scaling Studies Of Nano Dots Formed On InP(111) Surfaces Via MeV Implantations", D. Paramanik, S. R. Sahoo, S. Majumdar and S. Varma, Journal Of Nanoscience And Nanotechnology, 8, 4207 -10 (2008).
5. "Nano Pattern Formation and Surface Modifications by Ion Irradiation", Dipak Paramanik , Subrata Majumder, S. R. Sahoo, Shikha Varma, Defence Science Journal : Ion Beam Technology Vol. 59, No. 4, July 2009, pp.413-424.
6. "Size Dependant Electronic Structure from InP Nanodots", D. Paramanik, S. R. Sahoo, Subrata Majumder and Shikha Varma, Vacuum, 1–5(2009).
7. "Observation of Magnetic-Domains in Undoped ZnO Grains at Room Temperature", S. Majumder, D. Paramanik, A. Gupta, Shikha Varma, Appl. Surf. Sci., 256 (2009) 513–516.
8. "Formation of self organised Ta nano-structures by argon ion sputtering of Ta foil: XPS and AFM study", V.R.R. Medicherla1, S. Majumder, D. Paramanik and Shikha Varma, The Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena,180,1–5 (2010).
9. "Surface roughness and power spectral density study of SHI irradiated ultra-thin gold films", P. Dash, P. Mallick, H. Rath, A. Tripathi, Jai Prakash, D.K. Avasthi, S. Mazumder, S.Varma, P.V. Satyam and N.C.Mishra, Appl. Surf. Sci., 256(2009)558-561.
10. "Evolution of surface morphology of NiO thin films under swift heavy ion irradiation", P. Mallick, Chandana Rath, S. Majumdar, R. Biswal, D. C. Agarwal, Shikha Varma, D.K. Avasthi, P.V. Satyam and N. C. Mishra, Appl. Surf. Sci., 256 (2009) 521-523.
11. "Implantation-assisted cobalt doping induced modifications in structural, optical, and vibrational properties of CdS thin films", S. Chandramohan, A. Kanjilal, S.N. Sarangi, Subrata Majumder, R. Sathyamoorthy, T. Som, Journal of Applied Physics,106, 063506 (2009).
12. "Effect of substrate temperature on implantation doping of Co in CdS nanocrystalline thin films", S.Chandramohan, A. Kanjilal, S. N. Sarangi, S. Majumder, R. Sathyamoorthy, C.-H. Hong, and T. Som, Nanoscale (In Press)(2010).
13. "Effect of Fe-ion implantation doping on structural and optical properties of CdS thin films", S.Chandramohan, A. Kanjilal, S. N. Sarangi, S. Majumder, R. Sathyamoorthy, and T. Som, Appl. Phys. A (In Press).(2010).
14. "Co-implantation induced modifications in structural, morphological, optical,and vibrational properties of CdS thin films", S. Chandramohan, A. Kanjilal, S.N. Sarangi, Subrata Majumder, R. Sathyamoorthy, T. Som, Surface and Coating Technology (2009) (submitted).
15. "Vertically aligned Mn-doped Zinc Oxide nanorods by hybrid wet chemical route"',R.N. Gayen, S. Majumder, S. Varma, and A. K. Pal, Mater.Chem. Phys. 123, 138-146, (2010).
16. "Surface plasmon characteristics of nanocrystalline gold/DLC composite films prepared by plasma CVD technique"', R. Paul, S. Hussain, S. Majumder, S. Varma and A. K. Pal, Mater. Sc. Engg. B,164,156-164,(2009).
17. "Bandgap Tailoring of Rutile TiO2 (110) via Surface patterning with ECR sputtering", Subrata Majumder, D. Paramanik, V. Solanki, B.P. Bag, and Shikha Varma, App. Phys. Lett.98, 053105 (2011).
18. "Formation of Patterns and Scaling Properties of Tantalum Surfaces after Low Energy Ion Beam Irradiation'', Subrata Majumder, RamaRao Medicherla, Dipak Paramanik, V. Solanki, Indrani Mishra, and Shikha Varma, Rad. Eff. Def. Solids 166, 592-597 (2011).
19. "Ion irradiation induced nano pattern formation on TiO2 Single Crystal", Subrata Majumder, D Paramanik, V Solanki, I Mishra, D.K. Avasthi, D Kanjilal, and Shikha Varma, Appl.Surf.Sci 258, 4122-4124 (2012).