1975-1976 | |
BABAJI CH. MISHRA ![]() | M. Sc.-1967, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack Predoctoral : 1977 Ph.D. :- 1991, IOPB Thesis title-Feynman Diagram Approach To Atomic And Molecular Collisions. Guide:- Prof T. Pradhan Research interests- Atomic Physics Present Status: Faculty in Dept. of Physics, B. J. B. College, Bhubaneswar. |
PRAFULLA KUMAR MISHRA | M. Sc.-1973, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1977 Present Status: Faculty in Govt. College Phulbani, Odisha |
DURGA PRASAD MAHAPATRA ![]() | M. Sc.-1975, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1977 Ph.D. :- 1984, IOPB Thesis title- Compton Scattering Studies of electron momemtumdensities of some solids. Guide:-ProfH. C. Padhi Research interests- Theoretical and Experimental works in atomic, condensed matter physics, experimental high energy physics. Post doc-1984-87, I.P.R., Gandhi Nagar,. Present Status :Faculty,IOPBsince1987 Email: dpm@iopb.res.in |
RAMA CHANDRA NAYAK ![]() | M. Sc.-1971, Ravenshaw Collge, Cuttack Predoctoral : 1977 Ph.D. :-1981, IOPB Thesis title- Deep Inelastic Collisions of Heavy Ions . Guide: Prof L. Satapathy Research interests- Nuclear Physics Present Status: Faculty, Dept of Physics, Rairangapur College, Mayurbhanj, Odisha - 757043 |
ANANTA RAMA PANDA ![]() | M. Sc.-1972, Ravenshaw Collge Predoctoral : 1977 Ph.D. :- 1981, IOPB Thesis title-Interaction of Composite Hadrons Guide: Prof S. P. Mishra Research interests- Particle Physics Present Status: Faculty, Dept. of Physics, Kendarpara College, Kendrapara, Odisha - 754211 E-Mail : ananta@iopb.res.in, |
NOKULESWAR PANIGRAHI![]() | M. Sc.-1975, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1977 Ph.D. :- Ohio State University, U.S.A Research interests : Experimental Atomic Physics, Radiation Biophysics. Present Status : Medical Physicist, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, U.S.A |
SHAIKHSAMSUR ![]() | M. Sc.-1968, Ravenshaw College Predoctoral : 1977 Ph.D. :- 1981, IOPB Thesis title- Lattice Dyanamics of Crystals Containing Anharmonic Impurities. Guide: Prof S.N.Behera Research interests : Condensed MatterPhysics Present Status : Faculty, Dept. of Physics, Kendarpara College, Odisha-754211 |
SURESH CH. TIWARI![]() | M. Sc.- 1974, University of Rajasthan Predoctoral : 1977 Present Status : At Department of Physics, BHU, Varanasi. U. P. |
1977-1978 | |
MANORAMA BHUYAN![]() | M.Sc : 1973, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1978 Ph.D.: 1989 , IOPB Thesis title: Physical properties of Super Fluid He(4), Thesis Supervisor: Prof D. N. Tripathy Research interest: Condensed Matter Physics. |
KEDARNATH BISWAL | M.Sc : 1972, Ravenshaw College Predoctoral : 1978 Ph.D.: 1981, IOPB, Thesis title:Field Theoretic Model Of Composite Hadrons Thesis Supervisor: Prof S. P. Mishra; Research interest: Particle Physics Present Occupation: Faculty, Dept. of Physics, S.V.M. College, Jagatsinghpur, Cuttack, Odisha E-Mail : kedarnath49@gmail.com |
SHASHADHAR M. MAHAPATRA | M.Sc: 1976, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1978 M.S : 1985, SUNY at Albany, USA; Ph.D: 1988, SUNY at Albany, USA Assistant Professor & TechnicalDirector of Nuclear Medicine,University of Oklahoma Health SciencesCenter, Oklahoma City, USA, 1988-1995 Medical Physicist, Diagnostic Technology Consultants Inc. Tampa, Florida, 1995-1997 Present Occupation: Consulting Medical Physicist, since1997 Email: smohapatra@sprintmail.co, Memories |
SEPHALI PADHI | M.Sc : 1977, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1978 Ph.D.: PRL, Ahmedabad, Gujarat in Plasma Physics. Present Occupation: Technical Director, NIC, New Delhi. |
BIJAY KUMAR PARIDA![]() | M.Sc.: 1977, I I T, Kharagpur Predoctoral : 1978 Ph.D.: 1982, IOPB Thesis title: Scattering Of Composite Hadrons, Thesis Supervisor: Prof S. P. Mishra Research interest: Theoretical physics, Science education Present Occupation: Faculty, Dept. of Physics, Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar-9 E-mail: riebbs@ori.nic.in Memories |
RANASINGHA NIRMALENDU RAY | M.Sc.: 1973, UtkalUniversity , Predoctoral : 1978 Ph.D.: IISc. , Bangalore Present Occupation: Faculty, Dept. of Physics, Jaydev College, Naharkanta, Bhubaneswar. |
BHUBAN MOHAN SWAIN | M.Sc.: 1976, UtkalUniversity Predoctoral : 1978 Present Occupation: Faculty, Dept. of Physics, Science College, Panposh, Rourkela, Odisha |
NARAYAN SAHOO | M.Sc.: 1976, Ravenshaw College Predoctoral : 1978 Ph.D.: 1986, State University of New York atAlbany, NY, USA Research Associate, SUNY, Albany1986 to 1990. Postdoctoral : Departmentof Medical Physics,Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, 1990to1992.Research Interests: Condensed MatterPhysics, radiationbio-physics. Present occupation and address : Asst. Prof.,since1992,Dept. of Radiation Oncology Albany Medical College, Mail Code-95 47 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12208, USA. E-mail: NS502@cnsvax.albany.eduMemories |
1978 - 1979 | |
SANTOSH KUMAR MISHRA | M.Sc.: 1977, Delhi University Predoctoral : 1979 Ph.D.: State University of New York at Albany, New York, U.S.A Research interest: Theoretical Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics, |
S. K. CHOUDHURY | M.Sc.: 1977, Vishwa Bharati Predoctoral : 1979 |
K. S. S. NARAYAN | M.Sc.: 1978, Madras University Predoctoral : 1979 |
BISHNU CHARAN PARIJA![]() | MSc: 1977, Utkal University, Predoctoral : 1979 PhD:1989, IOPB Thesis title: Pion-Nucleus Optical Potential at NuclearSurface Thesis Supervisor: Prof. S. C. Phatak, Postdoctoral: 1989-95, University of Delhi Present occupation: Systems Manager, Institute of Physics, Since 1995 Email : bishnu@iopb.res.in |
PRAFULLA K. RATH | M.Sc.: 1977, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1979 Ph.D.:1983, Tuebingen,Germany; Research interest: Atomic Physics Present Occupation: Faculty Dept. of Physics, University of Lucknow |
1979 - 1980 | |
Md. SHARF ALAM![]() | M.Sc.: 1978, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. Predoctoral: 1980, IOPB Present Occupation: Research Associate in Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi |
PRASANNA KUMAR MISHRA![]() | M.Sc.: 1978, Utkal University Predoctoral : 1980 Ph.D.: Worked with Prof. C. R. Praharaj for two years in Nuclear Physics. Present Occupation: Officer in Steel Authority of India |
GOURANGA CH. MOHANTY![]() | M.Sc.: 1978 Predoctoral : 1980 Ph.D.: 1987, IOPB Thesis title: Phonon in Low Dimensional Systems, Present Occupation: Faculty in Physics , Ravenshaw College, Cuttack |
PRAMOD KUMAR MOHAPATRA | M.Sc.: 1978, Ravenshaw College,Cuttack Predoctoral: 1980, IOPB Ph.D.: University of Maryland, U.S.A , Research interest: Particle Physics and Medicine Present Occupation: Doctor, E-mail: spanigrahi@kenan.com |
ALOK RANJAN PATNAIK![]() | M.Sc.: 1979,I.I.T. Madras Predoctoral : 1980 Ph.D.: 1988 TIFR, Bombay Postdoctoral: 1988-1993 Nuffield Radio Astronomy Labs., Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester, England. Research interests: Study of gravitational lenses, astrometry of compact radio sources, molecular absorption lines towards extragalactic radio sources. Present Occupation and address: since-1993, Staff Astronomer, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Auf dem Huegel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany. Tel: +49 (0)228 525 231; fax: +49 (0)228 525 229. Email:apatnaik@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de |
1980 - 1981 | |
SATCHITANANDA NAIK![]() | M.Sc.: 1980, I. I. T. , Kharagpur Predoctoral: 1981, IOPB Ph.D.: 1987, IOPB Thesis title: Relativistic Effects On Hadronic Structure, Thesis Supervisor: Prof S. P. Mishra Present Occupation: Faculty,Mehta Research Institute, Allahabad -19, E-mail:naik@mri.ernet.in |
S. V. NAIDU![]() | Predoctoral : 1981 Research interest: Theoretical Particle Physics |