2005 - 2006 | |
RANJITA KUMARI MAHAPATRA | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: 2013 Thesis Title: Investigating Formation and Evolution of Z(3) Walls and Flow Anisotropies in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Thesis supervisor: Prof. Ajit Srivastava Current Address Email :ranjitaat iopb.res.in |
SAUMIA P. S.![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Theoretical High Energy Physics. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Ajit M. Srivastava Current Address Email :saumiaat iopb.res.in |
CHITRASEN JENA | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: 2013 Thesis Title: Particle Production and Elliptic Flow of Light Nuclei in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision at RHIC Thesis supervisor: Prof. D. P. Mahapatra Current Address Email :chittaat iopb.res.in |
SHANKHADEEP CHAKRABORTTY![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: 2013 Thesis Title: Aspects of gauge/gravity duality Thesis supervisor: Dr. Sudipta Mukherjee Current Address Faculty at IIT, Ropar Email :s.chakrabortty@iitrpr.ac.in, sankha7@gmail.com |
SMRUTI RANJAN SAHOO | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Shikha Varma Current Address Email :smrutiat iopb.res.in |
SUBRATA MAJUMDAR![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: Studies of Nanostructures, Ion Beam Patterned Surfaces and their Interaction with DNA Thesis supervisor: Prof. Shikha Varma Current Address Email :subrataat iopb.res.in |
POULOMI SADHUKHAN![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Gautam Tripathy. Current Address Email :poulomiat iopb.res.in |
RUPALI KUNDU![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: 2013 Thesis Title: Electronic Structure Studies of Graphite Systems and Some Transition Metal Oxides Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R . Sekhar Current Address Email :rupaliat iopb.res.in |
ATANU PAL | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Thesis supervisor: Current Address Email : |
AMIT SHARMA | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Thesis supervisor: Current Address Email : |
TRILOCHAN BAGARTI![]() | M.Sc: University of Pune Enrollment Year: 2005 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: A Theoretical Study of Formation of Clusters at Nanoscale using Reaction Duffusion Models in one and two Dimensions Thesis supervisor:Prof. Kalyan Kundu Current Address Balangir, Orissa, India Email :bagarti@iopb.res.in |
2006 - 2007 | |
JATIS KUMAR DASH![]() | M.Sc: SAMBALPUR UNIVERSITY Enrollment Year: 2006 Ph. D Year: 2012 Thesis Title: Growth of Si-Ge Nanostructures on High Index Silicon Surfaces using MBE and their Characterizations Thesis supervisor: Prof. P.V.Satyam Present Occupation: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE at RPI, USA. Present Address:DEPT. OF PHYSICS, APPLIED PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY, RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE TROY, NEW YORK, USA 12180-3590 Current AddressAt-Ludukibeda P.O-Beheramal P.S- Dunguripali Dist- Subarnapur(Orissa) Email :jatis@iopb.res.in, jatiskumar@gmail.com |
ASHUTOSH RATH | M.Sc:UTKAL UNIVERSITY Enrollment Year: 2006 Ph. D Year: 2012 Thesis Title: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Thesis supervisor: Prof. P.V. Satyam Current Address At- Kathagada(Samaya Lane), Post/Dist-Dhenkanal-759001 State-Orissa Email :ashutosh@iopb.res.in, ashutosh.phy@gmail.com |
SACHIN JAIN![]() | M.Sc:IIT Kanpur Enrollment Year: 2006 Ph. D Year: 2012 Thesis Title: String Theory Thesis supervisor: Prof. Alok Kumar Current Address At/P.O-Jiaganj Dist- Murshidabad State- West Bengal Email :sachjain@iopb.res.in |
SOURABH LAHIRI![]() | M.Sc:IIT Kharagpur Enrollment Year: 2006 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: Fluctuation Relations, their Consequences and Some Examples Thesis supervisor: Prof. A.M.Jaynnavar Current Address Plot No: 27 , Indrakanan Park Post-Amgachia (Via- Joka), Kolkata-700104 Email :lahiri@iopb.res.in |
AMBRESH SHIVAJI | M.Sc:IIT Kanpur Enrollment Year: 2006 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: Gluon Fusion Processes at One Loop within the Standard Model and Beyond Thesis supervisor: Prof. Pankaj Agrawal Current Address U.P., India Email :ambresh@iopb.res.in |
RAJIB BATABYAL | M.Sc:Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal Enrollment Year: 2006 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Working at IACS . Thesis supervisor: Current Address Email : |
2007 - 2008 | |
Jaya Maji![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2007 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: Efimov-like States and Conformational Transitions of DNA Thesis supervisor: Prof. S. M. Bhattacharjee Current AddressAt-Kulti Sripur Village Dist- Burdwan(West Bengal) Email :jaya@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~jaya |
Abhishek Atreya![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2007 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Heavy Ion Collision,Cosmology Thesis supervisor: Prof. A. M. Shrivastav Current AddressAt-Dinesh Vihar,New Kishan Pura,Bagpat Road Dist- Meerut(U.P.) Last known position: PDF, PRL, Ahemdabad Email :atreya@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~atreya |
Souvik Banerjee![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2007 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: Going out of Equilibrium in AdS/CFT Thesis supervisor: Prof. Sudipta Mukerjee Current Address Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden Last known position: PDF, Univ. of Groningen, Netherland Email :souvik.banerjee@physics.uu.se, souvik.physics@gmail.com URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~souvik |
Sandeep K. Garg![]() | Assistant Professor YMCA Univ. of Science & Technology, Faridabad M.Sc 2007 Enrollment Year: 2007 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: Patterning of Si Surface by Medium Energy Ion Beams. Thesis supervisor: Prof. T.Som Current Address: At-Vikash Coloney, Gulaothi Dist- Bulandshahr(U.P.) Post-Doc: IUAC, New Delhi Last known position: Asst. Prof., Patna University, Patna Email :sandeep@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~sandeep |
Tanay Dey | Current Status: Faculty at Sikkim Manipal University M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2007 Ph. D Year: 2008 Thesis Title: Phase transitions in asymptotically AdS black holes and gauge theory duals Thesis supervisor: Dr. Sudipta Mukherjee Present Address:Department of Physics, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Majitar, Rongpo, East Sikkim, Sikkim-737136 Email :tanay.dey@gmail.com |
2008 - 2009 | |
Raghavendra Rao J.![]() | M.Sc: University of Hyderabad Enrollment Year: 2008 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Thesis supervisor: Prof. P. V. Satyam Current AddressAt-Main Road P.O- Pennada Dist- West Godavari(A.P.) Last known position: PDF, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark Email :raghava@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~raghava |
Pramita Mishra![]() | M.Sc: NIT, Rourkela Enrollment Year: 2008 Ph. D Year: 2016 Thesis Title: Electronic Structure Studies of Some Layered Superconductors and Semiconductors Using Photoemission Spectroscopy Thesis supervisor: Prof. B. R. Sekhar Current AddressAt-Kaiapali, Vill- Chandanbhati P.O- Kushmeli Dist- Balangir(Odisha) Last known position: PDF, Cornell University, USA; IISc, Bengaluru as DST-inspire faculty Email :pramitam@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~pramitam |
Tanmoy Basu![]() | Post Doctoral Fellow: National University of Singapore, Singapore M.Sc: Presidency Enrollment Year: 2008 Ph. D Year: 2014 Thesis Title: Ion-beam Induced Nanostructuring of Silicon and its Applications Thesis supervisor: Prof. T. Som Last known position: Post-doctoral fellow at National University of Singapore Email :tanmoy@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~tanmoy |
Vanaraj Solanki![]() | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2008 Ph. D Year: 2016 Thesis Title: Studies of Oxide Nanostructures of TiO2, ZnO, NiO and Ion Beam Patterened Surfaces for Photo-absorption and Resistive Switching Properties Thesis supervisor: Prof. Sikha Verma Current AddressAt-Vijapur P.O- Jantral Dist- Mehsana(Gujrat) Last known position: PDF, IISc, Bengaluru Email :vanaraj@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~vanaraj |
2009 - 2010 | |
Partha Bagchi![]() | M.Sc: University of North Bengal Enrollment Year: 2009 Ph. D Year: 2016 Thesis Title: Time-Dpendent Quark-Antiquark Potential and Quarkonia Suppression in Heavy-Ion Collisions Thesis supervisor: Prof. A.M.Srivastav Current AddressAt-High school Para Dalkhola Dist- Utter Dinajpur(W.B.) Last known position: PDF, VECC, Kolkata Email :partha@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~partha |
Tanmoy Pal | M.Sc: I.I.T. Bombay Enrollment Year: 2009 Ph. D Year: 2016 Thesis Title: Theortical Condensed Matter Physics. Thesis supervisor: Prof. S.M.Bhattacharjee Current Address Last known position: PDF, Univ. of Toronto, Canada Email :tanmoyp@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~tanmoyp |
Shubhashis Rana![]() | M.Sc: 2009 Enrollment Year: 2009 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Effect of Thermal Fluctuations on Classical and Quantum Systems at Small Scales Thesis supervisor: Prof. A.M.Jayannavar Current Address S/O - Subrata Rana, Hati Shala Ghat, P.O - Baidyabati, Dist- Hooghly, West Bengal-712222, India Last known position: PDF, SNBNCBS, Kolkata Email :shubho@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~shubho |
Ramachandra Baral | M.Sc: 2008, Sambalpur University Enrollment Year: 2009 Ph. D Year: 2017 Thesis Title: Study of 1(1520) Resonances and D Mesons at the LHC Energies and Phase Transition in Magnetized Compact Stars Thesis supervisor: Prof. P.K.Sahu Post-Doctoral: NISER, Bhubaneswar Current Address Post-doctoral fellow at NISER, Bhubaneswar Email :rcbaral@iopb.res.in, rama.chandra.baral@cern.ch URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~rcbaral |
Sabita Das | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2009 Ph. D Year: 2016 Thesis Title: Identified Particle Production and Freeze-our Dynamics in Star at RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program Thesis supervisor: Prof. D.P.Mahapatra Current Address Last known position: PDF, NISER, Bhubaneswar Email :sabitads@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~sabitads |
Indrani Mishra | M.Sc: Enrollment Year: 2009 Ph. D Year: Thesis Title: Modifications of SiOx, TiO2 and PDMS Surfaces and their Interactions with DNA and Cell Thesis supervisor: Prof. Shikha Verma Current Address Last known position: PDF, IIT, Delhi Email :indrani@iopb.res.in URL :http://www.iopb.res.in/~indrani |