Recent Research


Quark-Gluon Plasma and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions: Physics of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in relativistic heavy-ion collisions probing different aspects of QCD phase diagram, DCC formation, centre symmetry in QGP and associated domain walls and strings, correspondence of flow fluctuations with CMBR physics, quarkonia in evolving QGP, relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, Hawking radiation from acoustic black holes in heavy-ion collisions. Astrophysics: New mechanism of forming quark nuggets as dark matter, Probing phase transitions inside neutron stars, pulsars and Gravitational waves, Cosmology: Cosmic strings, electroweak baryogenesis, primordial black holes, CMBR, Inflation, Topological defects: New mechanisms of defect formation, consequences of cosmic defects. Analogue gravity: Analogue black hole in various laboratory systems.

Laboratory Cosmology: Liquid crystal Experiments

Table top experiments with nematic liquid crystals for testing theories of formation of topological defects: focusing on the universal predictions which allows the use of liquid crystal experiments to rigorously test theories of early universe cosmology.
