Registration fee will cover accommodation at double occupancy
basis. However, accommodation at single occupancy basis
would be available on payment basis.
Accommodation would be available starting the night of
January 2nd.
Participants will be largely staying at the hotel
Swosti Plaza. The
accommodation will be at double occupancy basis. This
accommodation can be upgraded to single occupancy at the rate
of 20 euros or 25 US dollars per day. For the upgradation, we
need to to be informed well in advance. We are making the
arrangements at this hotel, so you do not have to book
your room directly.
All the participants who will be staying at the Hotel Swosti
Plaza will be picked up at the airport or railway station by the
a hotel vehicle.
For a few participants, the accommodation will be provided at
the Institute of Physics guest house and student hostel.
If you are looking for the best possible accommodation irrespective
of the tariff, then you may choose to stay at either the hotel
Mayfair Lagoon or the hotel
Trident Hilton. We do not have any
arrangement with these hotels.