e-Notice Board
Announcements New Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 36KV Outdoor CT and related accessories. Tender for High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster Support at IOP Quotation Call Notice for Supplying of IPad Air 11" M2 Chip 128GB Installation of Cattle Trap/Drainage Grill at Main Gate in IOP Campus, Bhubaneswar Repair/Maintenance Works in Qtrs. No.E-1 (old) in IOP Campus, Bhubaneswar Quotation Call Notice for Supplying and Installation of Automatic Spin Coating System Rate quotation for providing housekeeping, hospitality and catering servie at IOP Guest House Tender for High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster Support at IOP Tender for Electrical work supply, installation testing and commissioning 36KV Outdoor CT and related accessories Tender for Supply of Materials and Job work for 4TR Cassettee AC installed in Director’s Office Block-B at IOP Tender for Internal Painting and Aluminium /Glass partition at Dispensary in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Tender for Renovation of attached toilet of Director’s office at Block-A Building in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Tender for Renovation of terrace of Guest house in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Tender for Making a temporary steel shed at the main gate of Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar Tender for Laying of Paver Block on the approach road of Guest house in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Rate Quotation for Chemical Items Repairing of 80TR compressor and allied system including spare parts at Library building air conditioning system in IOP Repair of Library AHU, Condenser Motor, Chiller Pump, Starter Panel of Chiller and condenser Pump at IOP Quotation Call Notice for Tablet and its related accessories Quotation for Programmable Spin Coating System Quotation for i-Mac 24 inch Retina 4.5K display Corrigendum for Operation and Comprehensive Maintenance of Air Conditioning System and Chilled water System. Rate quotation for printing and supplying of writing pad and note pad Quotation for supply of PVC Doormat Quotation for Repairing of stage curtain Tender for Operation and Comprehensive maintenance of AC system and Chilled water systems of Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar Tender for Repair/Maintenance works in Qtrs. no. E-1(old) in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Corrigendum : Upgradation of PL Instrument Corrigendum : Tender for External Painting of Block A Building, Extension Building, IBL and guest House, CNC Building, Workshop, Efficiency Apartment, AMPL Building, Scholars Hostel in IOP Campus Corrigendum : Tender for Upgradation of Existing D8 Advance XRD System Corrigendum 2 : Tender for Renovation of Air Conditioning and Chilled water Plant in IBL Building at IOP Campus Corrigendum : Tender for Repairing of 60TR Package AC Compressor, Model RAUP-600, Make-TRANE in Auditorium Tender for Repairing of 60TR Package AC Compressor, Model RAUP-600, Make-TRANE in Auditorium Tender for External Painting of Block A Building, Extension Building, IBL and guest House, CNC Building, Workshop, Efficiency Apartment, AMPL Building, Scholars Hostel in IOP Campus Tender for Internal Painting and repairing works in 7nos. II-B Qtrs type and 4 Nos. C Type Qtrs In IOP Campus Corrigendum for Renovation of Air Conditioning and Chilled water Plant in IBL Building at IOP Campus Tender for Renovation of Air Conditioning and Chilled water Plant in IBL Building at IOP Campus Quotation Call Notice for Annual Report Designing & Printing Tender for Upgradation of Existing D8 Advance XRD System Open Post-Doctoral Positions Tech Support DAE Handbook on Report Writing
Recent News IceCube MasterClass on 27th March 2025 at the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar One-Day Seminar on 'New Frontiers in Extreme Nuclear Matter: Understanding the Intersection of Nuclear and Particle Physics,' held on 14th February 2025 at the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar Prof. S. K. Agarwalla has been selected to deliver the First Prof. Ravipati Raghavarao Memorial Lecture at PRL, Ahmedabad. Dr. Rajneesh Kumar's research on FtsZ, a key bacterial cell division protein, supervised by Prof. Debasish Chaudhuri, has been accepted for publication in the prestigious journal PRX-Life. Prof. S. K. Agarwalla delivered an invited plenary talk on "Neutrino Tomography of Earth" at the prestigious BCVSPIN 2024 Conference at Tribhuvan and Kathmandu University, Kathmandu, Nepal. Prof. S. K. Agarwalla has been appointed as one of the conveners of working group 1 (neutrino oscillation physics) in NuFact 2024, ANL, USA, 16th to 21st Sept. 2024. Prof. S. K. Agarwalla gave an invited plenary talk on IceCube at the prestigious PASCOS 2024 conference at ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam. Prof. Aruna Kumar Nayak is appointed as Trigger Officer in the Physics coordination of the CMS collaboration for 2024-26 Prof. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla receives "Rajib Goyal Prize" in Physical Sciences from Kurukshetra University Mr. Sameer Kumar Mallik (PhD student, LDM Lab) was awarded the best oral presentation at the International Conference on Low-Energy Digital Devices and Computing (ICLED-2023), which was held on June29-July1, 2023, at NUS in Singapore Ms. Sandhyarani Sahoo (PhD student, LDM Lab) won the best poster award at the International Conference on Thin Film and Nanotechnology (ITCN-KCL 2023), which was held on July 6-8, 2023, at IIT Madras Dr Kirtiman Ghosh has received prestigious MATRICS (Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support) grant funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) for the theoretical research and development of some specific new variants of the Extra-Dimensional Model. Mr. Sanu Varghese (PhD student) has been selected as convener of STEAM group (Level-2 convener in CMS Trigger coordination) for Sep 2022 to Aug 2024 Ms. Rojalin Padhan (Ph.D student) has received prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowship 2022-2023 Dr. Manimala Mitra has been awarded Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP) DIVA Award 2022-2023. Measurement of ion backflow fraction in GEM detectors by A.Tripathy, P.K.Sahu, S.Swain and S.Sahu Thermal properties of hot and dense medium in interacting hadron resonance gas model by Sarita Sahoo, D.K.Mishra and P.K.Sahu “OPEN DAY” event at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar on National Science Day : A Report An International Meeting on EFFECTIVE PATHWAYS TO NEW PHYSICS (IMEPNP) will be held at the Institute of Physics, from February 7th-12th, 2022. Dr. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship (FNAPE) to conduct research work on "Massive Neutrinos" at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,Madison, WI, USA. Dr. Shamik Banerjee (Associate Professor-G, IOP) has been awarded the prestigious Swarnajayanti Fellowship (DST, Govt. of India) in Physics for the year 2020-2021 Dr. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Associate Professor of this Institute has been selected as an Associate Member of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy for the duration 1st January, 2022 to 31st December, 2027. Recent work on Electric Field-Modulated Charge Transfer in Geometrically Tailored MoX2/WX2 (X = S, Se) Heterostructures from Prof. Satyaprakash Sahoo's group has appeared as the Cover of The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Dr. Neha K. Sharma (Visiting Scientist, CMP Experimental Group) won 3rd prize in oral presentation in the "International Conference on Condensed Matter and Device Physics(ICCMDP-2021)" organized by School of Technology,Pandit Deendayal Energy University,Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Dr. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla has been selected for the prestigious N. S. Satya Murthy Award 2020 by the Indian Physics Association Dr. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla has been awarded the prestigious DST Swarnajayanti Fellowship 2019-2020 Dr. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla gets B. M. Birla Science Prize 2018 Dr. Manimala Mitra has received the Indo-French bilateral collaborative research grant, funded by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research. Work of PROF. TAPOBRATA SOM and collaborators on "A Transparent Photonic Artificial Visual Cortex" has been published in ADVANCED MATERIALS (WILEY-VCH) (IMPACT FACTOR: 25.80) in August, 2019. Ms. Dilruba Hasina won 1st prize in oral presentation in the International Conference on "Electron Microscopy and Allied Analytical Techniques(EMAAT 2019)" organized by Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India and Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI). Work of Debasish Chaudhuri and collaborators on 'organization and segregation of E.coli chromosomes' has been published in the prestigious Cell Press journal Current Biology in May, 2019. Mr. Mahesh Saini won best poster presentation award in the International Conference on "Ion Beams in Materials Engineering and Characterizations (IBNEC 2018)" organized by Inter-University Accelerator Center (IUAC), New Delhi, India. An invited chapter on a model of bacterial chromosome proposed by Debasish Chaudhuri and collaborators, "Molecular dynamics simulations of a feather-boa model of bacterial chromosome" is published in the Springer Protocols on "Bacterial Chromatin", edited by Remus T. Dame. राजभाषा हिंदी में सर्वोत्कृष्ट/रचनात्मक कार्य करने हेतु श्री. मकरंद सिद्धभट्टी, सिस्टम्स मैनेजर को हिंदी सेवी सम्मान (२०१७-१८). राजभाषा हिंदी में सर्वोत्कृष्ट/रचनात्मक कार्य करने हेतु भौतिकी संस्थान, भुवनेश्वर को राजभाषा शील्ड (२०१७-१८). Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla and his collaborator's recent work on "A Universe's Worth of Electrons to Probe Long-Range Interactions of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos" has been published in Physical Review Letters (PRL). This paper has been selected for the PRL Editor's Suggestion and has been featured in Physics. Recent Research work from Dr. Satyaprakash Sahoo's group has been published as a Featured article in the J. Appl. Phys. and also selected for AIP science highlight (SCILIGHT). Dr. Manpreet Kaur won best poster award in "International DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2018" held at B.A.R.C., Mumbai for her paper - Clustering effects and fragmentation of composite system 20Ne* formed in light heavy ion collisions. Dr. Manpreet Kaur won 3rd best poster award in "International Conference on Nuclear, Particle and Accelerator Physics (ICNPAP2018)" held at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi for her paper - Investigation of clustering effects and fragmentation in light mass nuclear systems. Prof. Sudhakar Panda has been awarded J.C. Bose National Fellowship on July 2017. Mr. Ranveer Singh won 1st prize in oral presentation of "Advances in Biological System & Materials Science in Nanoworld" at Internation Conference of ABSMSNW-2017. Pronoy Nandi won best poster award in 61st DAE-SSPS for his paper CH3 NH3 PbI3 based Solar cell: Modified by antisolvent treatment. On January 2017, Prof. Sudhakar Panda has been elected as Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS P.O.: Sainik School, Bhubaneswar - 751005, INDIA Phone: +91-674-2306444, 2306666, 2306500, 2306502 | Fax: +91-674-2300142