Title | Subscription Type | Years of Subscription |
ACS Nano | 2007 - 2019 | |
Advanced Materials | 1989 - 2019 | |
Advances in Physics | 1979 - 2019 | |
American Journal of Physics | 1933 - 2019 | |
American Scientist | 2001 - 2019 | |
Annalen der Physik | 1998 - 2019 | |
Annals of Physics | 1957 - 2019 | |
Annual Rev. of Astronomy and Astrophysics | Vol 1 - 2019 | |
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics | Vol 1 - 2019 | |
Annual Review of Materials Research | Vol 1 - 2019 | |
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science | Vol 1 - 2019 | |
Applied Physics - A | 1973 - 2019 | |
Applied Physics - B | 1981 - 2019 | |
Applied Physics Express | 2008 - 2019 | |
Applied Physics Letters | 1962 - 2019 | |
Applied Surface Science | 1985 - 2019 | |
Astroparticle Physics | 1992 - 2019 | |
Astrophysical Journal | 1996 - 2019 | |
Astrophysical Journal Letters | 1995 - 2019 | |
Astrophysical Journal Supplement | 1996 - 2019 | |
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | 1969 - 2019 | |
Title | Subscription Type | Years of Subscription |