Title | Subscription Type | Years of Subscription |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 1988 - 2019 | |
Journal of Applied Physics | 1982 - 2019 | |
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2017 - 2019 | |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2003 - 2019 | |
Journal of High Energy Physics | 1997 - 2019 | |
Journal of Instrumentation | 2006 - 2019 | |
Journal of Mathematical Physics | 1963 - 2019 | |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | 2009 - 2019 | |
Journal of Optics | 1999 - 2019 | |
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter | 1989 - 2019 | |
Journal of Physics - A | 1968 - 2019 | |
Journal of Physics - B | 1968 - 2019 | |
Journal of Physics - D | 1950 - 2019 | |
Journal of Physics - G | 1975 - 2019 | |
Journal of Statistical Physics | 1969 - 2019 | |
Jr. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Pheno. | 1972 - 2019 | |
Jr. of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment | 2004 - 2019 | |
Jr. of the Physical Society of Japan | 1946 - 2019 | |
Jr. of the Vacuum Science and Technology - A | 1983 - 2019 | |
Jr. of the Vacuum Science and Technology - B | 1983 - 2019 | |
Title | Subscription Type | Years of Subscription |